Object ‘Network Variable List (Receiver)’

Symbol: ffc4dc53ee3e2727c0a8640e01e914d6_9c1e26a614b4c61ec0a8640e00e54c75

The object is used for listing the received network variables and displaying the information: network and transmit information and sender.

You add the object to an application by clicking Add Object ‣ Network Variable List (Receiver).

The network variable list (receiver) shows the received network variables, which were declared in network variable list (sender) of another device or project. You cannot change the network variables in the object editor.

The object editor consists of two parts:

  • Information about the sender and transfer log of the list
  • List of declarations of network variables

Dialog Box ‘Add Network Variable List (Receiver)’

Function: This dialog box defines the receiver NVL to a sender NVL and adds the receiver NVL to the application object in the device tree.

Call: Main menu Project ‣ Add Object ‣ Network Variable List (Receiver) (when the application object is selected).

Task Task of the current application that controls the variables to be received.

Drop-down list

  • Available sender NVLs of another device in the project
  • Import from file: Required if the necessary sender NVL is defined in another project. For this, the necessary sender NVL must have been generated in another project as GVL export file *.gvl in the properties dialog of the NVL in the Link To File tab.
Import from file File name in GVL export file *.gvl format if you have selected Import from file for Sender.

See also