‘Project’ ‘Load download information’

With this command the Download-Information belonging to the project can get reloaded. After choosing the command the standard dialogue ‘File Open’ opens.

The Download-Information is saved automatically at each ‘Online’ ‘Download’ and, dependent on the target system, potentially also at each offline creation of a boot project to a file, which is named <project name><target identifier>.ri and which is put to the project directory. This file gets reloaded each time the project is reopened and at login it is used to check the code of  which POUs has been changed. Only these POUs will then be loaded to the PLC during online change procedure. Thus the *.ri-file is a precondition for an ‘Online’ ‘Login’.


Using command ‘Project’ ‘Clean all’ the *.ri-file belonging to the current project automatically gets deleted from the projects directory, so that no online change will be possible until the *.ri-file can be reloaded from another directory or from a renamed ri-file.

See ‘Online’ ‘Login’ for a diagram showing the relations between Project-Build, Project-Download, Online Change and Login on the target system.