Editing the WebVisu.htm file¶
During installation of IEC 61131-3 editor the file WebVisu.htm (base-HTML-page for the web visualization) gets copied to the subdirectory “visu” in the installation directory. This is the basic html-page for the web visualization. Before it gets downloaded to the target system together with the web visualization project, it can be edited in a text editor in order to change the behaviour of the web visualization:
Webvisu.htm per default contains the following:
<APPLET CODEBASE=. CODE=webvisu/WebVisu.class archive="webvisu.jar,minml.jar" name="WebVisu" width="1600" height="1200">
<param name="STARTVISU" value="PLC_VISU">
<param name="UPDATETIME" value="100">
<param name="USECURRENTVISU" value="FALSE">
The following parameters are of meaning for an adaption of the behaviour of the web visualization:
width, height | Definition of the size of the screen. Regard the possibility to make visible this size already during creating a visualization (Target Settings: Display width/height in pixel). |
STARTVISU | Definition of the start POU (Default: PLC_VISU) |
UPDATETIME | Definition of the monitoring interval (msec) |
USECURRENTVISU | Definition whether an automatic change to another visualization will be done, as soon as the system variable ‘CurrentVisu’ is changed by the PLC program. For information on implicit (system) variables in the visualization see System Variables). |
Optionally the file can be extended by the following entries in the APPLET definition part:
<param name=”USEFIXSOCKETCONNECTION” value=”FALSE or TRUE”> | If this parameter is TRUE, a fix socket connection will be used for monitoring; if it is FALSE or if the entry is missing at all, for each monitoring request a new socket will be used. Default: FALSE. Attention: If parameter USEURLCONNECTION (see below) is used, USEFIXSOCKETCONNECTION may not be set TRUE. |
<param name=”FORCEDLOAD” value=”Comma-separated list of visualization names”> | The visualizations specified here will be loaded already when the web visualization is loaded, not just when they are opened for the first time. Thus time is saved at later changes of visualizations, because then the data not have to be transferred first by the web server. Examples: <param name=”FORCEDLOAD” value=”VISU_1, VISU_2, VISU_3 “> <param name=”FORCEDLOAD” value=”TREND”> |
<param name=”COMPRESSEDFILES” value=”FALSE or TRUE”> | The files to be transferred for the web visualization to the web server can be provided in a packed format (“<filename>_<extension original format>.zip”). See Target Settings in Category Visualization. If parameter “COMPRESSEDFILES” is set “TRUE”, the web visualization first will try to load from the web server all needed files which have got appended the extension “.zip”and to unzip those. If the request for a zip-file fails, it will be tried to load the original file. If parameter “COMPRESSEDFILES” is not available or is configured with value FALSE, any available zip-files will be ignored. |
<param name=”USEURLCONNECTION” value=”URL”> | If this parameter is available, the communication will be done via the specified URL-connection. Per default a simple socket connection is used. Attention: If parameter USEFIXSOCKETCONNECTION (see above) is set TRUE, USEFIXSOCKETCONNECTION may not be used additionally. Example: <param name=”USEURLCONNECTION” value=”” |
<param name= “PLCSTATEINTERVAL” value=”Time interval for cyclic status requests”> | The status of the PLC will be requested according to this time interval (milliseconds). Default: 2000. See also: Status check, Auto-Reload, File error ini.xml. |
<param name=”FORCEDLOAD” value=”comma-separated list of visualization names”> | The visualizations specified here will be loaded already when the web visualization is loaded, not just when they are opened for the first time. Thus time is saved at later changes of visualizations, because then the data not have to be transferred first by the web server. Examples: <param name=”FORCEDLOAD” value=”VISU_1, VISU_2, VISU_3 “> <param name=”FORCEDLOAD” value=”TREND”> |
<param name=”COMPRESSEDFILES” value=”FALSE or TRUE”> | The files to be transferred for the web visualization to the web server can be provided in a packed format (“<filename>_<extension original format>.zip”). See Target Settings in Category Visualization. If parameter “COMPRESSEDFILES” is set TRUE, the web visualization first will try to load from the web server all needed files which have got appended the extension “.zip”and to unzip those. If the request for a zip-file fails, it will be tried to load the original file. If parameter “COMPRESSEDFILES” is not available or is configured with value FALSE, any available zip-files will be ignored. |
<param name=”SELECTION” value=”Line width|RED|GREEN|BLUE”> | Here the line width and color for the display of the current selection can be defined. Syntax: LINEWIDTH|RED|GREEN|BLUE; Example: “4|0|0|255” |
<param name=”ERROR_SENSITIVITY” value=”Number of trials to get a file transferred”> | This parameter defines, how many trials will be done to get a visualization file transferred from the web server, before an applet error will appear. |
<param name=”KEYPADINDIALOGS” value=”FALSE or TRUE”> | If a touch panel is used for working with the web visualization, this parameter should be set TRUE in order to get an input possibility in any case for each dialog; if applicable via numpad/keypad. |
<param name=”KEYBOARDUSAGEFROMDIALOGS” value=”FALSE or TRUE”> | If this parameter is set TRUE, the keyboard usage is always active, even if a modal dialog - like e.g. the numpad - is currently opened. |
<param name=”WRITEACCESSLOCK” value=”FALSE or TRUE”> | This parameter only should be set TRUE, if the web server supports multi-client processing and if an access lock for various clients is desired. Concerning access control in multi-client operation please see Access \ protection for multi-client operations. |
<param name=”DEFAULTENCODING” value=”FALSE or TRUE”> | If this parameter is set TRUE and the language switching is done via ASCII language files, the default encoding - currently set in the system - will be used for the interpretation of the language file. |
<param name=”ENCODINGSTRING” value=”encoding string”> | If the default encoding of the system is not set as desired, you can define here the desired encoding by entering the appropriate string. Examples for encoding strings: German: “ISO-8859-1” Russian: “ISO-8859-5” Japanese: “MS932” |
<param name=”PLCSTATEINTERVAL” value=”Zykluszeit”> | Cycle time in milliseconds, according to which the Web-Client will check the PLC status. It will be checked whether the PLC is in Start or Stop status and whether a download has been done. |
<param name=”ALARMUPDATEBLOCKSIZE” value=”Number of alarm states to be updated per cycle”> | This parameter can be set in order to change the update of the alarm states. Due to the fact that not all alarm states can be updated within one cycle, it might be useful to exactly defined the number of alarms which should be updated per cycle. This number can be specified as a numeric value. |
<param name=”SUPPORTTOOLTIPSINALARMTABLE” value=”TRUE oder FALSE”> | If this parameter is set TRUE, the tooltip functionality in the alarm table will be activated. This means: If any text entry in the alarm table cannot be displayed completely, a tooltip will be available showing the complete text string as soon as the mouse pointer is moved on the respective table cell. |
<param name=”TOOLTIPFONT” value=”Schrifttyp|Schriftgröße”> | This parameter serves to define the font for all tooltips. Syntax: Font|Size; Example: “Arial|11”. |
<param name=”FILEOPENSAVEDIALOGFONT” value=”Schrifttyp|Schriftgröße “> | This parameter serves to define the font for the File-Open-dialog. Syntax: Font|Size; Example: “Arial|11”. |
<param name=”ALARMTABLEFONT” value=”NAME|HEIGHT|WEIGHT|CHARSET|ITALIC|HORZ_ALIGN|VERT_ALIGN”> | This parameter serves to define the font for the alarm table. Syntax: NAME|HEIGHT|WEIGHT|CHARSET|ITALIC|HORZ_ALIGN|VERT_ALIGN Example: “Arial|11|0|0|false|left|center”. |
<param name=”USECURRENTLANGUAGE” value=”TRUE oder FALSE”> | If this parameter is set TRUE, the current language setting always will be synchronized between Web- and Target-Visualization (via implicit variable CurrentLanguage); i.e. at a language switch caused by an input in one of the both visualization types each in the other type the language will be switched too. The IEC 61131-3 editor Visualization currently is not included in this match. |