In order make a visualization created in CoDeSys available as Web-Visualization, the following preconditions must be fulfilled:
the target system must support the functionality; that means that in the target settings the option ‘Web-Visualization’ must be activated. If defined in the target file, this can be done by the user in the ‘General’ target settings.
A correctly configured web server must be started. (see below)
In order to get the Web-Visualization displayed on a computer, a Web browser (IE-Explorer oder Netscape) is required.
Operating system: Windows NT/2000, Windows CE, Linux, RTE
Regard when using a HTTP-Proxy-Server: If the communication within the Internet browser is done via a HTTP-Proxy-Server, the monitoring of the visualization data might cause problems. If “USEFIXSOCKETCONNECTION” in WebVisu.htm is set TRUE, the telegram format used for the process data communication between applet and web server will not match the HTTP standard. In this case the HTTP Proxy will not forward the telegrams to the web server.
A workaround is to configure a SOCKS-Proxy:.Clients behind a firewall which want to establish a connection to an external server, instead have to connect to a SOCKS-Proxy. This Proxy-Server checks whether the client is authorized to communicate with an external server and forwards the requests transparently to the server.
The SOCKS protocol is an Internet-Proxy protocol, allowing client-server applications to transparently use the services of a firewall. SOCKS is an abbreviation for “SOCKets”.
Before downloading the project regard the current setting of option ‘Prevent download of visualization files’ in the target settings. This concerns all files which are used in the current visualization. Those can be bitmaps, language files and for Web-Visualization also XML description files.