Preparing a Web-Visualization in CoDeSys
- Create the visualization(s) for your PLC program as usual in the CoDeSys programming system. If you want a certain visualization to be called as starting object, then name it ‘PLC_VISU’. It will be loaded automatically as soon as the visualization is called via the Internet. Regard the effects of the currently active target settings, category Visualization.
- For visualization objects, which should not be part of the web version of the visualization, deactivate option Web-Visualization’ in the dialog ‘Object’ ‘Properties’ in category ‘Visualization’.
- Regard the possibility to use visualization elements for the purpose of switching between several controllers, to which the web server then will connect automatically.
- If needed, modify the basic html-page Editing the WebVisu.htm file. For example instead of PLC_VISU another visualization can be defined as start page of the Web-Visualization.
- Perform command ‘Project’ ‘Clean all’, then ‘Project’ ‘Build’. Before downloading the project regard the current setting of option ‘ Target Settings in Category Visualization’ in the target settings. This concerns all files which are used in the current visualization. Those can be bitmaps, language files and for Web-Visualization also XML description files.
- Log in to the target system (‘Project’ ‘Online’ ‘Login’) and start the project on the PLC.