
This function of type BOOL calls the function getsockoptof the operating system, in order to get the value of a particular socket option.

In case of successful operation the function will return TRUE, otherwise FALSE.

Variable Data type Description
diSocket DINT

Descriptor of the socket, returned by SysSockCreate

(corresponding parameter e.g. in Win32: s)

diLevel DINT

protocol specific level; possible values: SOL_SOCKET, IPPROTO_TCP

(corresponding parameter e.g. in Win32: level)

diOption DINT

Name of the option, for which you want to get the current value; see function SysSockSetOption for a list of the options

(corresponding parameter e.g. in Win32: optname)

diOptionValue DWORD

Pointer to the variable, to which the current value of the option should be written

(corresponding parameter e.g. in Win32: optval)

diOptionLength DWORD

Pointer to the size of the variable, to which the current value of the option should be written

(corresponding parameter e.g. in Win32: optlen)


Note for operating system VxWorks: There are systems on which a multiple call of SysSockGetOption only at the first call returns a reasonable option value. This is especially true if an error has occurred just before.

Reason: The special behaviour of getsockopt under VxWorks.