IEC 61131-3 editor HMIΒΆ
IEC 61131-3 editor HMI is a runtime system for the execution of visualizations which have been created with the IEC 61131-3 editor programming system. If a PLC program contains appropriate visualizations, those will be displayed in fullscreen mode after having started IEC 61131-3 editor HMI and the user can operate the control and watch functions, which are contained in the program by mouse-clicks and keyboard. This is possible, even if the Automation_Builder project has got a read protection. The user has no possibility to edit the program, menues and function bars are not available, it is a pure operating version.
Thus the main control and watch functions of the project must be assigned to visualization elements which can be operated in online mode. For this purpose special input possibilities for IEC 61131-3 editor HMI Special input possibilities for operating versions are available in the configuration dialog of a visualization element.