
This function of type BOOL returns information on a task, which is identified by the task Id.


SysTask-functions are not reentrant. This should be no problem in normal cases, but if in the application program a situation might occur, where several IEC-tasks create and manage additional tasks, the calls to these functions have to be synchronized. You can use the library The Library SysLibSem.lib in this case.

Input Variable Data type Description
udiTaskId UDINT Id of the task, on which you want to get information; this Id was returned by SysTaskCreate at creating the task
pSysTaskInfo POINTER TO SYSTASKINFO Pointer on the structure SysTaskInfo, see below, which contains information on the task

Structure SysTaskInfo:



dwHandle: DWORD; (* Operating system handle of the task *)
dwId: DWORD; (* Index of the task *)
dwSem: DWORD; (*Reserved, only use in the runtime system *)
wIECTaskNr: WORD; (* IEC task index in case it is an IEC task *)
stName: STRING; (* Name of the task  *)