‘File’ ‘Save as’

With this command the current project can be saved in another file or as a library. This does not change the original project file.

After the command has been chosen the Save dialog box appears. Choose either an existing File name or enter a new file name and choose the desired file type.


If the project is to be saved under a new name, then choose the file type CoDeSys Project (*.pro).

If you choose the file type Project Version 1.5 (*.pro), 2.0 (*.pro), 2.1 (*.pro) or 2.2 (*.pro), then the current project is saved as if it were created with the version 1.5, 2.0, 2.1 or 2.2. Specific data of the version 2.3 can thereby be lost! However, the project can be executed with the version 1.5, 2.0, 2.1 or 2.2.

You can also save the current project as a library in order to use it in other projects. Choose the file type Internal library (*.lib) if you have programmed your POUs in CoDeSys.

Choose the file type External library (*.lib) if you want to implement and integrate POUs in other languages (e.g. C). This means that another file is also saved which receives the file name of the library, but with the extension “*.h”. This file is constructed as a C header file with the declarations of all POUs, data types, and global variables. If external libraries are used, in the simulation mode the implementation, written for the POUs in CoDeSys, will be executed. Working with he real hardware the implementation written in C will be executed.

Encryption of a project

In order to save the project as an encrypted project or library, choose option Encrypted CoDeSys Project (*.pro) resp. Encrypted internal library (*.lib) or Encrypted external library (*.lib). In this case you get the ‘Encryption’ dialog , where you can define and confirm a key. The project later cannot be opened esp. a library cannot be used without this key:


The encryption extends the protection of a project, which up to now was only possible via the assignment of Passwords. These possibilities will exist further on, but note that they e.g. cannot avoid that a library is included in a project without the need of entering a library password (key).

A key once defined will be saved with any further savings of the project. To modify that key, you have to use again the ‘Save as’ dialog.

If an encrypted project should be opened resp. if an encrypted library sShould be used in a project, the dialog asking for the key will appear.


Licensing a library:

If you want save the project as a licensed library, you can add the appropriate licensing information in the dialog ‘Edit Licensing Information’. Open the dialog by pressing the button Edit license info…. See for a description in ‘License Management in CoDeSys’.

After having done all settings, press OK. The current project will be saved in the indicated file. If the new file name already exists, then you are asked if you want to overwrite this file.

When saving as a library, the entire project is compiled. If an error occurs thereby, then you are told that a correct project is necessary in order to create a library. The project is then not saved as a library.