Tab ‘CANopen Remote Device - SDOs’

When initializing the CANbus, CODESYS transmits the current configuration settings by using SDOs (Service Data Objects).

In this tab, you configure the necessary SDOs and determine the transmission order of the objects and the actions taken in case of a transmission error.

The object order in this list corresponds to the transmission order of SDOs to the module.


If the Expert Settings option is not activated for the current device, then only the user-defined SDOs are shown here.

Add SDO Opens the Select item from object directory dialog box where all available SDOs are displayed. The chosen object is inserted after the selected object.
Edit Opens the Select item from object directory dialog box and highlights the respective object. You can modify the object parameters or replace the object with another one.
Delete Deletes the selected objects from the list.
Move up Moves the selected object upwards by one entry.
Move down Moves the selected object downwards by one entry.
Abort if error fba0cb81e26bcabec0a8640e01305569_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : If an error is detected for this SDO, then the stack stops the configuration phase of the current slave. The slave remains in PREOPERATIONAL mode.
Jump to line if error fba0cb81e26bcabec0a8640e01305569_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The transmission is continued with the SDO that you indicated in the Next line column.
Next line Line number where processing continues if there an error is detected
SDO Timeout (ms) Timeout for the SDO transmission. If the slave does not respond to the SDO request within this time, then the transmission is canceled with a timeout.
Create all SDOs fba0cb81e26bcabec0a8640e01305569_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Creates an SDO for all writeable objects starting at index 16#2000 for which a default value is given in the EDS. Only experts should use this option. It should be deactivated for standard use.
Write complete PDO configuration

fba0cb81e26bcabec0a8640e01305569_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : This option forces the writing of all PDO configuration objects. In this way, you make sure that the settings in the project correspond to those of the slave.

fba0cb81e26bcabec0a8640e01305569_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : PDOs are not deactivated explicitly. The requirement is that the Default settings option is activated in the common settings of the slave and the PDOs are also deactivated in the EDS. If the default values in the EDS do not match the default settings of the slave firmware, then this procedure may cause problems. In this case, you should activate this option.

Dialog box ‘Select item from object directory’

This table shows all object directory entries from the device EDS file for each SDO that are writeable and not larger than 4 bytes. Before you add an SDO for selection in the SDO dialog, you can modify its parameters in the fields below the table. In this way, you can also created an SDO that is not writeable in the EDS file by entering a new index/subindex value.

Name COB ID of the PDO or the name of the mapped object as it is used in the device description and in the object directory.
Index Index of the object
Subindex Subindex of the object
Access Type
  • RW: Read and write
  • WO: Write only
  • RWW: Read/write per SDO; write permission per PDO (==> RPDO, output from the master viewpoint, input from the slave viewpoint).
  • RWR: Read/write per SDO; read permission per PDO (==> TPDO, input from the master viewpoint, output from the slave viewpoint).
Data type Data type of the object
Default value Default value of the object
Bit length Length of the object