Dialog ‘Options’ - ‘Visualization’

Symbol: e0018e76f2699ef4c0a8640e00c7abf1_17cb8c5ea8c98122c0a8640e0115d015

Function: The dialog is used for configuring the visualization editor and at runtime of the configuration of the integrated visualization.

Call: Menu bar: Tools ‣ Options; category: Visualization.

See also

Tab ‘General’


These settings are not used for the following display variants: CODESYS TargetVisu, CODESYS Web Visualization, and CODESYS HMI.

Display options (visualization editor in the development system)
Fixed The visualization retains its original size.
Isotropic The visualization retains its proportions.
Anisotropic The visualization resizes to the window in the development system.
Use scaling options for dialogs e0018e76f2699ef4c0a8640e00c7abf1_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace The dialogs, also for keypad and numpad, are scaled like the visualization (drawn with the same scaling factor). This is an advantage when a dialog was created to match the visualization because then they are scaled together.
Antialiased drawing

e0018e76f2699ef4c0a8640e00c7abf1_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The visualization is drawn with antialiasing methods, both while editing and as an integrated visualization in runtime mode.

Tip: If a horizontal or vertical line is drawn blurry on a specific visualization platform, then this can be corrected by an offset of 0.5px in the direction of the line thickness (see element property Absolute movement, option Use REAL values). Requirement: The platform in use supports using REAL coordinates.

:guilabel:`Device image`\ If the device image (DeviceImage) is defined in the device description of the controller, then it can be displayed in the visualization editor.
Show offline e0018e76f2699ef4c0a8640e00c7abf1_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The device image is visible in offline mode.
Show in visualizations with parameter interface

e0018e76f2699ef4c0a8640e00c7abf1_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The device image is displayed.

For visualizations with a parameter interface, they are used often only as a partial image. It does not make any sense to display the device image there.

Show online e0018e76f2699ef4c0a8640e00c7abf1_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The device image is visible in online mode.
Editing options
Link to toggle/tap variable

e0018e76f2699ef4c0a8640e00c7abf1_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The placeholder <Toggle/tap variable> is activated in the visualization element properties.

If you drag an element into the visualization editor that has the properties Color variables and Toggle color, then this property is property is configured with the placeholder <Toggle/tap variable>.

The following elements are affected: Button, Frame, Image, Line, Arc, Polygon, Rectangle, Text field, Scrollbar.

See also

Tab ‘Grid’

Visible e0018e76f2699ef4c0a8640e00c7abf1_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : In the visualization editor, grid lines are visible at a distance of Size.

e0018e76f2699ef4c0a8640e00c7abf1_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : In the visualization editor, grid lines are active at a distance of Size. The elements are aligned on the grid and their positional values are on one grid line. An element that is already in a visualization when activating a grid is not aligned automatically. To do this, you first have to drag it to another position.

The grid lines can be active and also hidden.

Size Distance between grid lines (in pixels)

Tab ‘File options’

Text list files for textual “List components”

File name and storage location of a file of type .csv. It contains a table with texts in a text list format.

The file entries are provided when the “List components” feature is used as input assistance.

Note: You create this file as an export file of the global text list with the command Import/export text lists.

Visualization directories  
Text list files

Storage locations for text lists.

Note: This setting is valid in the project as long as no other storage location is configured in the Project settings (category Visualization, Text list files).

Image files

Storage location for image files. Multiple storage locations are separated by a semicolon.

CODESYS uses the directory, for example, to import or export image files.

Note: This setting is valid in the project as long as no other storage location is configured in the Project settings (category Visualization, Image files).

See also

Tab ‘Global settings’

Device setting for libraries and global visualizations
The following settings are used when the visualization is in the POUs view or when you are developing a library in a currently open library project.
No limitation by device setting e0018e76f2699ef4c0a8640e00c7abf1_a55305b7669c9a43c0a8640e01a09654 : All visualization element properties are present for creating the visualization.
Use settings of the following device e0018e76f2699ef4c0a8640e00c7abf1_a55305b7669c9a43c0a8640e01a09654 : Only those visualization element properties that are released by the below device setting are available for creating the visualization.
Currently selected device Device whose device settings are used.
Name Example: CODESYS Control Win V3
Version Example:
Select device Opens the Select device dialog. All installed devices are listed there. You can filter by device or manufacturer. Select a device and click OK to close the dialog.
Derive device automatically

“Try visualizations; derive the device from current project”.

e0018e76f2699ef4c0a8640e00c7abf1_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : If a device is present in the project, then its device settings are applied. As a result, only the visualization element properties are available that the device can also implement. For example, a gradient or rotating element (Internal rotation property) cannot be programmed for every device.