Start Page and Menus

After start-up of Automation_Builder software the start page is displayed.



Command Description
New Project Creating a new project with the dialog New Project
Open Project Opening an existing project file
Close Project Closing a project file while Automation_Builder keeps running. If the current projects keeps information which have not been saved before, you will be asked if the changes should be saved or not.
Save Project Saving the project at the currently defined location. It is only available if changes have been done to the project since the last saving. This is indicated by an * (asterisk) behind the project name in title bar.
Save Project As Saving the project whereby project name and location can be defined in a dialog box.
Project Archive  
Extract Archive Extracting a project archive and import it into Automation_Builder. Extraction of an Archive .
Save/Send Archive Saving the currently opened project as a project archive to the file system. Creation of an Archive.
Print Printing the content of the tab which is currently shown in editor window
Page Setup Opening the Page setup dialog where the page setup can be configured for printing.
Recent projects Reopening the most recently worked projects. The number of projects kept in the list can be defined Options Dialog .
Exit Closing Automation_Builder. If the current projects keeps information which have not been saved before, you will be asked if the changes should be saved or not.

Edit menu:

Command Description
Find Replace Full text search and text replacement functions

Opening the Find dialog window which provides full text search. Beside searching the entire project the search can be restricted to

  • The active editor
  • All editor windows

Opening the Replace dialog window which provides full text search and text replacement. Beside searching the entire project the search can be restricted to

  • The active editor
  • All editor windows
Find Next Continuing the last used search downwards
Find Next (Selected) Using the currently selected text to find it downwards
Find Previous Continuing the last used search upwards
Find Previous (Selected) Using the currently selected text to find it upwards

View menu:

Command Description
Start Page Displaying the Start Page tab. It shows the recently used projects, links to useful commands and the ABB PLC Product Website.
Devices Displaying the Device Tree on the left side of Automation_Builder. Device Tree
Messages Displaying the Messages window
Full Screen Effecting that CoDeSys frame window is displayed in full screen mode. Use <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<F12> to toggle back to normal mode.

Project menu:

Command Description
Add Device Opening the Add Device dialog window for appending devices to the currently selected entry in the device editor.
Update Device Allowing the update of the currently selected device with the Update Device dialog. .
Project Information Opening the Project Information dialog window which shows detailed information of the currently opened project. Options Dialog.

Tools menu:

Command Description
Package Manager Opening the Package Manager tool which allows installation and maintenance of Automation_Builder update packages.
IP config tool Opening the IP config tool in editor window. Configuration of the IP Settings with IP Config Tool
Device Repository Opening the Device Repository. This is a database for all devices which have been installed on the local system for Automation_Builder. The default settings are defined by the current profile.
Options Opening the Options Dialog. This dialog contains sub-dialogs for configuring the appearance and behaviour of Automation_Builder. The default settings are defined by the current profile.

Window menu:

Command Description
Next Editor Opening the next editor window
Previous Editor Opening the previous editor window
Close Editor Closing the active editor window
Close All Editors Closing all opened editor windows and showing the start page of Automation_Builder.
New Horizontal Tab Group Adding a horizontal aligned tab view. Editor windows can be placed on the different views by drag-and-drop.
New Vertical Tab Group Adding a vertical aligned tab view. Editor windows can be placed on the different views by drag-and-drop.
Windows Opening the Windows dialog box. This dialog box provides a list of active editor windows which can be accessed via button Activate or closed with button Close window(s). It is possible to close several windows.

Help menu:

Command Description
Contents Opening the table of contents of Automation_Builder online help
Index Opening the index of Automation_Builder online help
Search Opening the full-text search of Automation_Builder online help
About Showing the about dialog with details of version.