Cyclic I/O Data Exchange¶
The I/O data can be exchanged cyclic by the master by reading, writing the corresponding registers.
I/O data exchange is only possible after successful parameterization of the device.
For writing of outputs bus failure detection can be activated by setting the corresponding parameter. This bus failure detection is described in the following chapter.
Bus Failure Detection
If the parameter “timeout” in the module parameters of the CI52x-MODTCP is set, the module will supervise the MODBUS TCP “write telegrams”.
After the first “write telegram” the bus will be supervised. If no new “write telegram” arrives at the CI52x-MODTCP within the configured time, the module will detect a bus failure and switch off its outputs or switch them to the configured failsafe state (see module parameter “Failsafe CI521”: Parameters of the Module“Failsafe CI522”: Parameters of the Module
Configurable Write Restriction
With the module parameters “Master IP”- “Master IP 7” it is possible to set write restrictions on the CI52x-MODTCP device.
If none of the parameters is set, all masters / clients in the network have read and write rights on the CI52x-MODTCP device and its connected expansion modules.
If at least one parameter is set only the configured masters / clients have write rights on the CI52x-MODTCP device.
All other masters / clients still have read access to the CI52x-MODTCP device.