
In this tab of the IEC 61850 editor you create and delete datasets, you assign attributes (DA) and data objects (DO) to a dataset and you delete existing assignments.


‘DataSet’ tab with ‘LLN0.DataSet_0’ dataset and DAs ‘t’ and ‘ctlNum’

Structure of the tab

Section 179c6d0ff1529e01c0a8640e01f81733_c365a9f0f695522dc0a8640e01f6782f displays the IEC 61850 Server created in the Configuration tab.

The sections 179c6d0ff1529e01c0a8640e01f81733_4294dc0bf696fa14c0a8640e01a2969d and 179c6d0ff1529e01c0a8640e01f81733_f7411f87f69cefcbc0a8640e002e0094 are for creating, editing and deleting of DataSets. In section 179c6d0ff1529e01c0a8640e01f81733_4294dc0bf696fa14c0a8640e01a2969d the datasets are listed. In section 179c6d0ff1529e01c0a8640e01f81733_f7411f87f69cefcbc0a8640e002e0094 the attributes and data objects of the dataset are listed, which is marked in section 179c6d0ff1529e01c0a8640e01f81733_4294dc0bf696fa14c0a8640e01a2969d .

For more information about section 179c6d0ff1529e01c0a8640e01f81733_817daa9cf69db8dbc0a8640e004d2c05 see Status bar.


The order of the attributes of a DataSet is important for the receiving and the sending of GOOSE messages. Type and order of the entries from sender and recipient must be identical for GOOSE communication. For more information about GOOSE communication see GOOSE Publisher and GOOSE Subscriber.


  • New: Create a new dataset. This is displayed in the DataSets section and is named LLN0.DataSet_Suffix. The suffix is incremented beginning with 0 (1. DataSet: LLN0.DataSet_0 …)
  • Delete: Delete a dataset: Select the desired dataset in the DataSets section and activate the Delete.button.
  • >: Assign an attribute or a data object to the selected dataset. First select the dataset in section 2 then select the attribute or the data object in section 1 and activate the > button.
  • <: Deletes an element from a dataset. First select the dataset in section 2 then select the attribute or the data object in section 1 and activate the < button.
  • 179c6d0ff1529e01c0a8640e01f81733_d13992e43db7115dc0a8640e0059a46e : Moves the selected entry one row up
  • 179c6d0ff1529e01c0a8640e01f81733_1ab863c33da3130fc0a8640e00917f58 : Moves the selected entry one row down.

Input fields

  • Name: Name of the dataset can be edited. The name gets the prefix LLN0..