Status bar

In the status bar ( e1371a5b1a4df898c0a8640e012b473b_817daa9cf69db8dbc0a8640e004d2c05 of the Configuration) of the IEC 61850 editor you find object-specific detail information about the selected object.

Object information: Server and Logical Device


Status bar for the Server

Only the information Name is displayed for the server and the Logical Device.

Object information: LN


Status bar for the LN instance ‘LPHD’

Status Description
Name Name of the selected LN instance
Description Description of the selected LN instance

Associated group of the LN instance





Prefix Prefix of the LNC instance, entered by the user

Object information: Common Data Class Object (CDC Object)


Status bar of the CDC instance ‘Beh’

Status Description
Name Name of the attribute
Description Description of the selected CDC instance

Option of the selected CDC- instance

M = mandatory

O = optional

CDC Type of the selected CDC instance

Instance number of the CDC instance.

Only optional CDCs can have instance numbers. If there is only one optional CDC, it has no instance number. Otherwise 1 to n.


Objects with the ‘mandatory’ options are inserted automatically when adding the Logical Device.

Object information: Attribute (DA)


Status bar of the attribute ‘q’

Status Description
Name Name of the attribute
FC Functional Constraint of the selected attribute

Option of the selcted attribute:

M = mandatory

O = optional

Type Data type of the attribute
Trigger Option

Trigger option of the attribute

dchg = data change

dupd = data update

qchg = quality change

<empty> = no trigger option

Value Associated variable

Access for the attribute

R = Read

W = Write

RW = Read and Write