

Function Block MC_Stop

General Information
Available as of PLC runtime system V2.2
Included in library MC_Block_AC500_V11.lib
Type Function Block with historical values

This Function Block commands a controlled motion stop and transfers the axis to the state Stopping. It aborts any ongoing Function Block execution. While the axis is in state Stopping, no other Function Block can perform any motion on the same axis. After the axis has reached velocity zero, the Done output is set to TRUE immediately. The axis remains in the state Stopping as long as Execute is still TRUE or velocity zero is not yet reached. As soon as Done is SET and Execute is FALSE the axis goes to state StandStill.


As long as Execute is high, the axis remains in the state Stopping and may not be executing any other command.

See the following chapter to check if this Function Block is supported by the used axis implementation: Overview

For this Function Block there is a visualization in the Library MC_Blocks_AC500_V11.

See the following chapter for a list of available data types: Overview

Example: Behavior of MC_Stop in combination with MC_MoveVelocity

  • A rotating axis is ramped down with Function Block MC_Stop.
  • The axis rejects motion commands as long as MC_Stop parameter Execute = TRUE. Function Block MC_MoveVelocity reports an error indicating the busy MC_Stop command.

Using this Function Block with FM562

Input Jerk: Not implemented

Input BufferMode: Not implemented