Input Description




The inputs marked with a triangle 5e601b75b1dd304b0a317f347ada3a59_78f228175b765b440a33139001315693 are of the class VAR_IN_OUT (input and output variable). These inputs must be connected to a variable.

EN (enable)

Data type: BOOL

The Function Block is activated (EN = TRUE) or deactivated (EN = FALSE) via input EN. If the block is active, the current values are available at the outputs. To start a new write job the input EN has to be set from FALSE to TRUE.

If the input values are valid, a request to perform a MODBUS job is sent to the Communication Block via the DRIVE_DATA variable. If at least 1 input is invalid, no job is generated and the error is displayed at the outputs ERR and ERNO instead.

SLOT (slot )

Data type: BYTE

At input SLOT, the MODBUS interface number is specified:

SLOT = 1 : internal ETHERNET coupler ETH1

SLOT = 2 : internal ETHERNET coupler ETH2

SLOT = 11 : SLOT1 (CM597-ETH)

SLOT = 21 : SLOT2 (CM597-ETH)

SLOT = 31 : SLOT3 (CM597-ETH)

SLOT = 41 : SLOT4 (CM597-ETH)

Default value = 1. Valid values = 1, 2, 11, 21, 31, 41

SLAVE_IP (slave IP-Address)

Data type: STRING

IP Address of the drive (slave) to which the connecton shall be established must be specified here as string. Used with 4 times 3 digits.

Default value: ‘’

DRIVE_TYPE (drive type)

Data type: INT, Default value: ACS_DRIVE_ACS355

At the input DRIVE_TYPE the type of ACS drive is specified with an ENUM. The input can be set either by the value directly or by using the enum.

ENUM Value

NVAR_READ (number of variables for reading)

Data type: BYTE

With the input NVAR_READ the Function Block can be configured to read between 1 and 12 signals from the drive. All read data is written to the array at the READ_VALUE output. Configuration in ACS drive is depending of configured parameters in group FBD DATA IN in drive

Default value = 0. Minimum 0, Maximum 12.


To read/write “one” 32 bit data, the NVAR should be equal to 2. Accordingly this has to be followed if we want to read/write more than one data. The user has to check that the programmed number of ACS_COM_MOD_TCPx or ACS_COM_MOD_TCPx_ENHANCED communication blocks is not higher than the number of available free sockets for the used CPU.

NVAR_WRITE (number of variables for writing)

Data type: BYTE

The internal MODBUS write job writes 3 + NVAR_WRITE words starting from MODBUS register address 400001 to the drive, every time a change in those variables is detected.

With the input NVAR_WRITE the Function Block can be configured to write between 0 and 12 variables more to the drive in addition to the 3 controls (CW, ref1 and ref2). These are always written to MODBUS registers addresses 400001 .. 400003 if changed.

If NVAR_WRITE input is set to e.g. 5 the internal write job addresses the MODBUS registers from 400001 .. 400008.

The first 3 signals are always the Control word (CW), Reference value1 and Reference value2 and will be taken from the DRIVE_DATA variable.

The additional NVAR_WRITE data will be taken from the array at the WRITE_VALUES input.

Default value = 0. Minimum 0, Maximum 12.

WRITE_VALUES (write values to mapped parameters in drive group DATA_OUT)

Data type: ARRAY[1..12] OF INT

The values from the array at input WRITE_VALUE will be written to MODBUS registers 400004 400015 in the drive. The number of data written to the drive is specified at the input NVAR_WRITE.

See table in chapter Writing Control Word and Reference Values to the drive for information about how to configure the drive.

DRIVE_DATA (drive data)

Data type: ACS_DRIVE_DATA_TYPE ACS_DRIVE_DATA_TYPE Structure to Exchange Data Between Function Blocks for 1 Drive

The combined input/output DRIVE_DATA must be connected to the variable of type ACS_DRIVE_DATA_TYPE of the related ACS drive (slave). Each drive must have its own DRIVE_DATA variable.

The DRIVE_DATA variable contains the data of the drive and must be connected to all related Function Blocks of this drive.

The Function Block ACS_COM_MOD_TCPx_ENHANCED reads the Control Word and references (CW, SPEED_REF, REF_VALUE2) from the DRIVE_DATA variable and writes the status information (SW, ACT_SPEED, ACT-VALUE2) to the DRIVE_DATA variable. It also receives requests and data for MODBUS TCP jobs from other Function Blocks e.g. ACS_MOD_READ_N_PRM or ACS_MOD_WRITE_N_PRM via the DRIVE_DATA variable.