Input Description



Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit

The input EN has to be driven in level triggered mode.

In order to enable the execution of the Function Block the input EN has to be set to value TRUE. It keeps on executing until the input EN is set back to value FALSE.

While it is executed its inputs are continuously evaluated.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE - - -

Input CHANNEL is used to select the input for the counter. Currently the only valid value is 0. The device occupies the inputs I0…I1. If an invalid value is entered at input CHANNEL or if the selected channel is not configured as a counter, the Function Block is aborted with DONE=ERR=TRUE and a corresponding error number at ERNO.

CHANNEL contains the channel number managed by the Function Block:

  • CHANNEL = 0: the output O2 is managed
  • CHANNEL = 1: the output O3 is managed