Start and Stop the Drive

The following table shows the additional control bits which could be linked to OFF1 and OFF3 at the Function Block ACSM1_ACCESS_dc. These additional control bits could be set to “TRUE” to have full control through Fieldbus interface or could be mapped to binary inputs.

Parameter Name Value Mnemonic Function
10.10 EM STOP OFF3 1


Bit pointer

Default, controlled by Fieldbus.

The drive is stopped along the emergency stop ramp time, 25.11 EM STOP TIME.

10.11 EM STOP OFF1 1


Bit pointer

Default, controlled by Fieldbus.

Stop along the currently active deceleration ramp.

For example:

The drive will execute an OR-Connection from 10.10 and the OFF3-Bit at the ACSM1_ACCESS_dc Block to stop along the emergency ramp. With 10.10 = Bit pointer, the drive might be forced to stop along an emergency ramp without using the PLC to initialize this. This measure allows managing emergency situations without the PLC.