Output DescriptionΒΆ


Function Block TECT_GROUP

ERR (error)

Data type: BOOL

Output ERR indicates, whether an error occurred during control processing. In case of error, the error number can be read at output ERNO.

ERNO (error number)

Data type: WORD

Output ERNO provides an error identifier, if an invalid value was applied to an input or if an error occurred during request processing.


Data type: BOOL

A TRUE at the output activates GROUP_FAULT. This will be TRUE only when input EN_FAULT_MONITOR is enabled. It leads to disable the outputs of the whole group.



All status related to the group will be updated to each zone by the enumeration TECT_CONTROLSTATEMACHINE_ENUM TECT_CONTROLSTATEMACHINE_ENUM.


Data type: BYTE

This is the variable which differentiate each group by unique number.