Input Description¶
Function Block TECT_GROUP
The inputs marked with a triangle are of the class VAR_IN_OUT (input and output variable). These inputs must be connected to a variable.
EN (enable)
Data type: BOOL
The Function Block is activated by a rising edge at the input EN. A FALSE keeps the Function Block deactivated. If the Function Block is activated, the values being present at the inputs are processed and the output values are delivered.
Data type: BOOL
A TRUE at the input enables group fault monitoring.
A FALSE at the input disables group fault monitoring.
Group monitoring of faults is predefined through input GROUP_FAULT_MASK.
Data type: BYTE, Default value: 2#00001111
The first four Bits stand for four different error sources:
Bit 0: TC_Fault 1
Bit 1: TC_Fault2
Bit 2: HighHighTempFault
Bit 3: LowLowTempFault
This means, all of the four faults are monitored as group fault. Before enabling the group of zones of the Function Block TECT_GROUP, define the faults to be masked.
Data type: TIME, Range: > 1 ms, Default value: 2 s.
Interval of PID and AutoTune process.
For PID process: The interval time, at which the PID updates the duty cycle of output based PWM_PERIOD.
PID Interval time
Data type: TIME, Range: >T#1 ms, Default value: T#2 s.
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) output period.
PWM_PERIOD should be always less than or equal to PID_INTERVAL.
Data type: INT, Default value: 10.
Sensor provides the the ACT_TEMP_RAW, this value doesn’t match to the temperature in Celcius. Hence RAW_FACTOR is necessary to scale the temperature into Celsius scale.
Example for RAW_FACTOR
If ACT_TEMP_RAW is 200 which indicates 20 degree, then the RAW_FACTOR will be 200 / 20 = 10.
The RAW_FACTOR should not be zero.
Data type: BOOL
A TRUE at the input FAHRENHEIT of the Funktion Block displays the temperature in Fahrenheit, a FALSE displays the temperature in Celsius.
Data type: BOOL
The Input CO_OUTPUT enables coordinated output for PWM8 output of a group. It avoids switching on all zones simultaneously, thus avoiding a voltage drop in the power supply system. At the same time, it compensates the error between digital outputs and duty cycle due to CPU task cycle (as resolution of digital outputs duration). The coordination is realized with Function Block TECT_PWM8 , called internally.
Input FIRST_PWM8_HEAT and FIRST_PWM8_COOL define the data area of the FIRST_TECT_PWM8 input for heating and cooling. Each Function Block TECT_PWM8 supports maximum 8 zones. For more than 8 zones, two arrays of Function Block TECT_PMW8 must be defined for heating and cooling accordingly. If CO_OUTPUT is not used (FALSE), then one dummy variable still needs to be defined for both Inputs FIRST_PWM8_HEAT and FIRST_PWM8_COOL.
Data type: INT, Default value = 1, Range: > 0.
Minimum length of ON and OFF time of PWM signal in number of CPU task cycles for heating.
Minimum length = 100 ms; CPU task cycle = 50 ms, then the number of cycles for heating is T_MIN_TZ_HEAT = 100 ms / 50 ms = 2.
Data type: INT, Default value = 2, Range: > 0.
Minimum length of ON and OFF time of PWM signal in number of CPU task cycles for cooling.
Minimum length = 100 ms; CPU task cycle = 50 ms, then the number of cycles for heating is T_MIN_TZ_HEAT = 100 ms / 50 ms = 2.
Data type: INT, Default value = 20, Range: > MIN_CYCLES HEAT and MIN_CYCLES_COOL.
Duration of PWM signal period in number of CPU task cycles.
PWM_PERIOD = 1 s, CPU task cycle = 50 ms, then the number of task cycles is PERIOD_TZ = 1 s / 50 ms = 20.
Data type: BYTE, Default value: 1, Range: > 0.
Size of the group or total number of zones in the particular group.
Data type: STRING[20]
The name of the group. It will be saved in TECT_TEMPZONE_DATA_TYPE structure. Temperature Control Library
Data type: TECT_PWM8
First instance of Function Block TECT_PWM8 for heating in the declaration. Each instance supports maximum 8 zones. The Function Block TECT_PWM8 is called internally. If more instances are needed for one group, they must be defined in an array. If the coordinated output is not used, a dummy instance is still needed. Please see also description of input CO_OUTPUT TECT_PWM8: Coordination of Outputs.
All instances must be defined without memory break. It is highly recommended to define them in an array.
Data type: TECT_PWM8
First instance of Function Block TECT_PWM8 for cooling in the declaration. Each instance supports maximum 8 zones. The Function Block TECT_PWM8 is called internally. If more instances are needed for one group, they must be defined in an array. If the coordinated output is not used, a dummy instance is still needed. Please see also description of CO_OUTPUT TECT_PWM8: Coordination of Outputs.
All instances must be defined without memory break. It is highly recommended to define them in an array.
First instance of Function Block TECT_TEMP_CONTROL in the declaration. Each zone in the group needs one instance. The Function Block TECT_TEMP_CONTROL is called internally. Thus a separate call of Function Block TECT_TEMP_CONTROL for each zone is not necessary TECT_TEMP_CONTROL: Main Control Function Block.
All instances must be defined without memory break. It is highly recommended to define them in an array.
Monitoring of the first zone data structure of the zone group. Temperature Control Library
All zones must be declared one after another without break. It is highly recommended to define an array of TECT_TEMPZONE_DATA_TYPE for the whole system.
This inout structure of the group will have variables related to the complete group TECT_GROUP_DATA_TYPE.