Change of ConfigurationsΒΆ

It might be possible to reach the same target position by using different mechanical configurations, e.g. elbow_up and elbow_down in a SCARA robot.

Sequence in changing the configuration

For changing the configuration, a direct movement has to be executed.

When different configurations are possible, the following situations have to be considered:

  • No change in configuration is required:setConfiguration=nextConfiguration=isConfiguration

  • The configuration should be changed: setConfiguration<>nextConfigurtion=isConfiguration

    start a direct movement: setConfiguration=nextConfiguration<> isConfiguration

    movement to required position is ready: setConfiguration=nextConfiguration=isConfiguration

Different actions have to consider the configuration:

  • ACTION_APP_CONF_GET_ACT: generate a value for the actual active configuration form the ACS axes actual positions. Write the result to isCONFIGURATION.
  • A new desired configuration could be written to the input setCONFIGURATION. This will be used when a di-rect movement is performed and will be written to nextCONFIGURATION.
  • When no change in configuration is performed, the values setCONFIGURATION, nextCONFIGURATION and isCONFIGURATION will be identical.
  • The action ACTION_APP_FORWARD should use the value from nextCONFIGURATION to calculate its result.