Coordinate TransformationsΒΆ
Different transformations may be used to transfer the data from MCS to ACS (axes coordinate system) and back. Just the actual positions and reference positions are transferred, as shown in the diagram below.
Data flow for actual and reference position
The controlMode is switched internally and creates a different flow for control position, depending on the required movement, e.g if a direct movement on joints or a cartesian movement is required.
The actual position is always received from the ACS axes and transferred to the MCS axes by the forward transformation.
In a coordinated group movement or in a movement of cartesian axes, the reference position is transferred from the MCS axes to the ACS axes by the inverse transformation.
In case of a direct movement or a movement of ACS axes, the reference position is transferred by the forward transformation from ACS axes to MCS axes.
The calculation of actual positions is executed as follows:
Calculation of actual positions and reference positions for coordinated axes
The user is free to define an own algorithm for transformation of coordinates.
The basic structure is given by the Function Block TRANSFORMATION_1_1. It does a 1:1 transformation. Any other transformation has to be created following the same structure.
For 1_1 Transformation, no different configurations are possible, nextCONFIGURATION = 0.