Output Description¶
Data type: BOOL
Signals that an error has occurred within the Function Block.
Data type: WORD
Error identification PLCopen.
Data type: WORD
Active configuration.
Data type: WORD
Configuration which will be reached by the next direct movement, if more than one solution for forward transformation is possible and isConfiguration differs from setConfiguration.
Data type: BOOL
PCS (Product Coordinate System) is activated, group movements are executed related to PCS instead MCS and tracking (e.g. Conveyor tracking) is possible.
Structure of Actions within a Transformation
The functionality is realized in different actions. All actions named “ACTION_GENEREC_xxx” don´t need to be changed for different transformations. The actions “ACTION_APP_xxx” need to be changed according to the transformation needed.A constant is needed to define the number of ACS axes. This has to be modified according to the transformation.
The minimal and maximal positions are not mandatory. It depends on the transformation if these are necessary or if additional limits have to be considered.
Responsibilities of different actions
- ACTION_APP_INDEX calculates the index and address for the used TRANSFORMATION-Block. The name of the actual block has to be used
- TransformationIndex:=INDEXOF(Transformation_1_1).
- Use the name of your own transformation block here.
- ACTION_APP_CONF_GET_ACT: Take the actual positions of ACS axes and determine the mechanical configuration actually used, write the result to isCONFIGURATION.
- ACTION_APP_FORWARD: Hold the forward transformation and calculates the actual position by using the actual positions from ACS axes and creating X_FORWARD, Y_FORWARD and Z_FORWARD.
- ACTION_APP_INVERSE: Holds the inverse transformation and calculates the positions POS1, POS2 and POS3 from the input in X_FORWARD, Y_FORWARD and Z_FORWARD. POS1, POS2 and POS3 are used as reference positions to the ACS axes or as destination positions to the ACS axes in case of a direct movement.
- ACTION_GENERIC_ACTUAL: Not to be modified. Uses X_FORWARD, Y_FORWARD and Z_FORWARD and calculates the actual positions ACT_X_POSITION, ACT_Y_POSITION and ACT_Z_POSITION by involving the dynamic transformation, if activated. These position values are calculated in [u]. They have to be used at position input for the MCS axes, instead of an actual position directly received from the drive.
- ACTION_GENERIC_CONF_CHANGE: Not to be modified.
- ACTION_GENERIC_CONF_USE_ACT: Not to be modified
- ACTION_GENERIC_FWD_DEST: Not to be modified.
- ACTION_GENERIC_STATE: Not to be modified.
Flowchart for the transformations implementation