
The different states for Node state and the entries for node data are the same data already described in CM579_PROFINET_CM_controller_list_slaves_views IO \ Controller List of Slaves View.

Alarm data

In PROFINET every device can have only 1 active alarm. The PROFINET IO Device diagnosis view displays the alarm data of the last active alarm of the selected device.


The read out of these diagnostic data does NOT affect the alarm Function Blocks like it does in CANOPEN and PROFIBUS. Automation Builder reads only a local copy of the alarm data.

Time occurred

Date and time the alarm was triggered.

Time acknowledged

Date and time, the user has acknowledged the alarm via alarm Function Block.

There is no “alarm off” notification, but it is possible to get this information:

During the time the alarm condition is still active, the PROFINET IO Device repeats its alarm message to the Master continuously. So, if the alarm Function Block acknowledges an alarm, and shortly afterwards the alarm is again in not acknowledged state -> this means, the alarm cause is not gone. Otherwise it is gone.

If there is more than 1 alarm triggered on 1 Slave, it could happen that after the acknowledgement of 1 alarm the other alarm gets the active alarm. So the data displayed could switch between the different alarm causes.

Slot / SubSlot / ModuleID and SubModuleID are addressing information to locate the alarm cause/area on a PROFINET IO Device.

Alarm priority

There are 2 alarm priorities : ALARM_HIGH and ALARM_LOW

Alarm type (hexadecimal)

0x0000 Reserved
0x0001 Diagnosis
0x0002 Process
0x0003 Pull a)
0x0004 Plug
0x0005 Status
0x0006 Update
0x0007 Redundancy
0x0008 Controlled by supervisor
0x0009 Released
0x000A Plug Wrong Submodule
0x000B Return of Submodule
0x000C Diagnosis disappears
0x000D Multicast communication mismatch notification
0x000E Port data change notification
0x000F Sync data changed notification
0x0010 Isochronous mode problem notification
0x0011 Network component problem notification
0x0012 Time data changed notification
0x0013 0x001D Reserved
0x001E Upload and retrieval notification
0x001F Pull module b)
0x0020 0x007F Manufacturer specific
0x0080 0x00FF Reserved for profiles
0x0100 0xFFFF Reserved

Alarm specifier

Bit Meaning Value

0 … 10 Alarm Sequence Number 0 … 2047
11 Channel Diagnosis 0 … 1
12 Manufacturerspecific Diagnosis 0 … 1
13 Submodule Diagnosis State 0 … 1
14 Reserved 0
15 AR Diagnosis State 0 … 1

The additional alarm data are completely manufacturer specific data.

Every manufacturer can specify a User structure-ID which describes a structured data called Additional Alarmdata.

For ABB PROFINET IO Devices the structure is well known and the add. Alarm data can be displayed decoded into details and error codes.