6000hex…6FFFhex - Communication Module Errors

DEC HEX Error description
24577 6001

ETHERCAT: Invalid command received

PNIO: Creating a TLR-timer-packet in RPC task failed due to insufficient memory

24578 6002

ETHERCAT: No link exists OR the watchdog expired

CAN..: Service was rejected by the node with SDO abortion. Index/subindex not valid or no access to the specified node.

DNM..: Resource not available or invalid class ID

DPM../DPV1..: Resource not available. Free buffer memory in slave is not sufficient for the requested service.

PNIO: Generic RPC-error code or not enough memory

24579 6003

ETHERCAT: Error during reading the bus configuration OR the requested watchdog time is too small.

DPM../DPV1..: Requested service (e.g. DPV1) is not active in the slave.

24580 6004

Communication Module does not support DPRAM message communication function blocks OR There is no receive function block active in IEC project of Communication Module.

ETHERCAT: Error during processing the bus configuration OR The requested watchdog time is too large.

24581 6005 ETHERCAT: Existing bus does not match configured bus OR Error during reset (resetting watchdog).
24582 6006

ETHERCAT: Not all slaves are available OR Error during reset (cleanup dynamic resources)

DPM../DPV1..: Slave address not configured

24583 6007 ETHERCAT: Error during reset (stopping the master) OR master is in critical error state, reset required.
24584 6008

ETHERCAT: Error during reset (deinitializing the master) OR error activating the watchdog.

DNM..: Service not available in module. Read/write function not supported by the selected class.

24585 6009

ETHERCAT: Error during reset (cleanup the dynamic resources) OR size of configured input data is larger than cyclic DPM input data size.

DNM..: Attribute invalid or not supported

DPM../DPV1..: No data received from slave

24586 600A ETHERCAT: Master is in critical error state. Reset required OR size of configured output data is larger than DPM data output size.
24587 600B

ETHERCAT: The requested bus cycle time is invalid

DNM..: Request is already in progress

24588 600C

ETHERCAT: Invalid parameter for broken slave behaviour.

DNM..: Conflict of the object status

24589 600D ETHERCAT: Master is in wrong internal state
24590 600E

ETHERCAT: The watchdog expired

DNM..: Attribute cannot be set or writing is not permitted

24591 600F

ETHERCAT: Invalid SlaveID was used for CoE

DNM..: Permission check faulty or access denied

24592 6010

ETHERCAT: No available resources for CoE Transfer

DNM..: Status conflict. Device prohibits execution

24593 6011

ETHERCAT: Internal error during CoE usage

CAN..: No response from the selected node

DNM..: No response from the selected device

DPM../DPV1..: No response received from slave.

24594 6012

ETHERCAT: Invalid index on slave requested

DPM../DPV1..: Master not in logical “token ring”.

PNIO: Internal error inside Communication Module’s firmware

24595 6013

ETHERCAT: Invalid bus communication state for CoE-usage

CAN..: Selected node is not ready for operation

DNM..: Not enough receiving data

24596 6014

ETHERCAT: Frame with CoE data is lost

CAN..: Local resources are not available. Requested bus parameters are not available. Communication Module is not configured.

DNM..: Local resources are not available. Requested bus parameters are not available. Communication Module is not configured.

PNIO: Internal error inside Communication Module’s firmware

24597 6015

ETHERCAT: Timeout during CoE service

CAN..: Parameter error

DNM..: Parameter error

24598 6016

ETHERCAT: Slave is not addressable (not on bus or power down)

DNM..: Object does not exist

24599 6017

ETHERCAT: Invalid list type requested

Other Communication Modules: Received data length too big. Internal buffer too small.

24600 6018

ETHERCAT: Data in slave response is to large for confirmation packet.

PNIO: Internal error inside Communication Module’s firmware

24601 6019

ETHERCAT: Invalid access mask selected (during GetEntryDesc)

DPM../DPV1..: Unexpected reaction of slave or reaction not in accordance with standard.

24602 601A

ETHERCAT: Slave Working Counter error during CoE service

PNIO: Another request is already running

ETH2 not supported on PM5xx-ETH

24603 601B ETHERCAT: The service is already in use
24604 601C ETHERCAT: Command is not usable in this communication state
24605 601D ETHERCAT: Distributed Clocks must be activated for this command
24606 601E ETHERCAT: The scan is already running. It cannot be started twice at the same time
24607 601F ETHERCAT: Timeout during bus scan, but at least one link is established
24608 6020 ETHERCAT: The bus scan was not started before or it is not finished yet
24609 6021 ETHERCAT: The requested slave is invalid
24610 6022 ETHERCAT: Internal error during CoE usage
24612 6024 PNIO: Internal error inside Communication Module’s firmware
24615 6027 ETHERCAT: Internal error of SDO protocol
24616 6028 ETHERCAT: Internal error of SDO protocol
24617 6029 ETHERCAT: Internal error of SDO protocol
24618 602A ETHERCAT: Internal error of SDO protocol
24619 602B ETHERCAT: Internal error of SDO protocol
24620 602C ETHERCAT: Internal error of SDO protocol
24621 602D ETHERCAT: Not enough memory
24622 602E ETHERCAT: Selected object could not be accessed
24623 602F ETHERCAT: Selected object is write only
24624 6030

ETHERCAT: Selected object is read only

CAN..: Function timeout

DNM..: Device not configured

PNIO:  Internal error inside Communication Module’s firmware

24625 6031

ETHERCAT: Selected object does not exist

PNIO: Internal error inside Communication Module’s firmware

24626 6032

ETHERCAT: PDO mapping failed

DNM..: Format error in the received data

ETH_UDP..: TCP/UDP task not available or IP task not ready.

PNIO: Internal error inside Communication Module’s firmware

24627 6033

ETHERCAT: Selceted object is to large to be mapped to PDO

CAN..: Maximum buffer size of the receiving data exceeded

ETH_UDP..: Internal task with configuration data not available

PNIO: The ALPMR protocol-machine corresponding to the index in request packet is invalid

24628 6034

ETHERCAT: General parameter error occured

CAN..: Function not available. Code unknown.

DNM..: Code unknown

ETH_MOD..: Invalid parameter for “ServerConnection”

ETH_UDP..: No MAC address available

PNIO: The ALPMR protocol-machine is invalid for the current request

24629 6035

ETHERCAT: Internal device error occured

CAN..: Unknown area. Buffer exceeded.

DNM..: Overflow of buffer length

ETH_MOD..: Invalid parameter for “Task Timeout”

ETH_UDP..: Waiting for warm start performed by the application

24630 6036

ETHERCAT: Hardware error occured

CAN..: Unknown function in HOST message or function still active

DNM..: Other service still active

ETH_MOD..: Invalid parameter for “OBM Timeout”

ETH_UDP..: Unknown flag in start parameters

DPM../DPV1..: Slave denied access to the requested data

24631 6037

ETHERCAT: Invalid data type

CAN..: Parameter error

DNM..: Parameter error or MAC ID beyond the valid range

ETH_MOD..: Invalid parameter for “Mode”

ETH_UDP..: Invalid IP address in start parameters

PNIO: The index of ALPMR protocol-machine is invalid

24632 6038

ETHERCAT: Invalid data type

ETH_MOD..: Invalid parameter for “Send Timeout”

ETH_UDP..: Invalid subnet mask in start parameters

24633 6039

ETHERCAT: Invalid data type

CAN..: Sequence error

DNM..: Sequence error or one MAC ID was multiple used in one network

ETH_MOD..: Invalid parameter for “Connect Timeout”

ETH_UDP..: Invalid gateway IP in start parameters

24634 603A

ETHERCAT: Invalid sub-index

ETH_MOD..: Invalid parameter for “Close Timeout”.

24635 603B

ETHERCAT: Invalid parameter value

CAN..: Data error

DNM..: Data error

ETH_MOD..: Invalid parameter for “Swab”

ETH_UDP..: Unknown device type

24636 603C

ETHERCAT: Invalid parameter value

CAN..: Node address configured twice

DNM..: Display of total number of data sets incorrect

ETH_MOD..: TCP task not ready

ETH_UDP..: Access to IP address in the specified source failed

24637 603D

ETHERCAT: Invalid parameter value

CAN..: ADD table incorrect

DNM..: ADD table incorrect

ETH_MOD..: PLC task not ready

ETH_UDP..: Initialization of the driver layer failed

24638 603E

ETHERCAT: Invalid parameter value

CAN..: Total length of the node parameters incorrect

DNM..: Size of the I/O configuration table incorrect

ETH_MOD..: Error during initialization

ETH_UDP..: No source specified for IP address (BOOTP, DHCP, IP address parameter)

24639 603F

ETHERCAT: Internal error of SDO protocol

CAN..: Transmission type unknown

DNM..: I/O configuration does not match with the ADD table

24640 6040

ETHERCAT: Internal device error occured

CAN..: Length of the PDO-cfg file too big

DNM..: Parameter size incorrct or channel/handler already in use

PNIO: Internal error inside Communication Module’s firmware

24641 6041

ETHERCAT: Internal device error occured

CAN..: Unknown baud rate

DNM..: Number of defined inputs in the ADD table does not match with the I/O configuration

PNIO: Internal error inside Communication Module’s firmware

24642 6042

ETHERCAT: Internal device error occured

CAN..: COB-ID SYNC beyond the valid range

DNM..: Number of defined outputs in the ADD table does not match with the I/O

24643 6043

ETHERCAT: Internal device error occured

CAN..: Value of the synchronization timer invalid

DNM..: Unknown data type in the I/O configuration

24644 6044

ETHERCAT: Unknown SDO protocol error

CAN..: Input offset of the PDOs too big

DNM..: Defined data type of an I/O module does not match with the defined data size

24645 6045

CAN..: Output offset of the PDOs too big

DNM..: The configured output address of an I/O module is not within the permitted address range of 3584 bytes

24646 6046

CAN..: Inconsistency between the PDO and the ADD table

DNM..: The configured input address of an I/O module is not within the permitted address range of 3584 bytes

24647 6047

CAN..: Length of the ADD table inconsistent

DNM..: Unknown connection type

24648 6048

CAN..: Total data length inconsistent

DNM..: Several identical connections defined

24649 6049

CAN..: COB-ID Emergency beyond the permitted range

DNM..: The configured value of the “Exp_Packet_Rate” of a connection is smaller than the value of the “Prod_Inhibit_Time”

24650 604A

CAN..: COM-ID Node Guard beyond the permitted range

DNM..: Inconsistent parameter field “DNM_PRED_MSTSL_CFG_DATA”

24651 604B

CAN..: Configured PDO length greater than 8

DNM..: Device could not perform “Duplicate_MAC-ID check”. Incorrect baud rate or no connection to the device possible.

24652 604C

CAN..: Number of defined objects in SDO data too big

DNM..: Value of “usRecFragTimer” beyond the permitted range

24657 6051 PNIO: The current bus state is OFF and no frames can be sent
24659 6053 PNIO: The state of APMS protocol-machine is invalid for the current request
24660 6054 PNIO: APMS was not able to get an Edd_Frame buffer for sending a packet
24661 6055 PNIO: An error occurred while APMS was trying to send an Edd_Frame
24662 6056 PNIO: Device not reachable (DEV_NAME is not projected)
24663 6057 PNIO: Insufficient memory for APMS_send_req_Date() to allocate a timer-indication packet
24672 6060 PNIO: The acyclic service failed. The IO-Device answered with an error code. See output STATUS (ETHERCAT status) for details.
24679 6067 PNIO: The maximum amount of data supported by this service is exceeded.
24686 606E ETH_UDP..: Timeout has occurred
24687 606F

ETH_MOD..: Unknown send or receive telegram

ETH_UDP..: Invalid timeout parameter

24688 6070

ETH_MOD..: TCP responds with an error

ETH_UDP..: Invalid socket

24689 6071

ETH_MOD..: No corresponding socket found

ETH_UDP..: Command cannot be executed in the current socket state

24690 6072 ETH_MOD..: Command with invalid value
24691 6073

ETH_MOD..: TCP task status error

ETH_UDP..: No access to target IP address

24692 6074 ETH_UDP..: Invalid option parameter
24693 6075

ETH_MOD..: No free socket found

ETH_UDP..: Invalid command parameter

24694 6076

ETH_MOD..: TCP command is directed to an unknown socket

ETH_UDP..: Invalid IP address or no access to address

HA..: Wrong IP address configured

24695 6077

ETH_MOD..: Time for a client job is over

ETH_UDP..: Invalid port number or port not available

24696 6078

ETH_MOD..: Socket has been closed unexpectedly

ETH_UDP..: Connection closed

24697 6079

ETH_MOD..: Not-Ready flag has been set by the user

ETH_UDP..: Connection reset

24698 607A

ETH_MOD..: OMB task cannot open socket

ETH_UDP..: Invalid protocol

24699 607B

ETH_MOD..: Watchdog event in PLC task, only in I/O mode

ETH_UDP..: No socket available

24700 607C

ETH_MOD..: TCP task in configuration state

ETH_UDP..: Invalid MAC address

24701 607D ETH_MOD..: PLC task not initialized
24702 607E ETH_MOD..: Server socket was closed without response from the device
24703 607F ETH_MOD_MAST.
24705 6081 DPM../DPV1..: DPV1 not in “OPEN” state
24706 6082

ETH_UDP..: Invalid mode parameter

DPM../DPV1..: Invalid parameters received from slave. Communication stopped.

24707 6083

ETH_UDP..: Maximum data length exceeded or ARP cache full

DPM../DPV1..: Service still active. Parallel operation is not possible

24708 6084

ETH_UDP..: Maximum number of messages exceeded

DPM../DPV1..: Data length too high for the reserved buffer

24709 6085

ETH_UDP..: Maximum number of IP multicast groups exceeded

DPM../DPV1..: Wrong parameter

24710 6086 ETH_UDP..: ARP input not found in ARP cache
24725 6095 ETH_UDP..: Invalid message response received
24727 6097

ETH_MOD..: Invalid message length

ETH_UDP..: Invalid message length

24728 6098

CAN..: Unknown message command

DNM..: Unknown message command

ETH_MOD..: Unknown message command

ETH_UDP..: Unknown message command

24730 609A DPM../DPV1..: Invalid message command
24732 609C ETH_UDP..: Sequence error during transmission in Sequence Message Mode
24734 609E ETH_UDP..: Command cannot be executed or command is currently executed
24736 60A0 ETH_MOD..: Error in telegram header
24737 60A1

CAN..: Node address beyond the permitted range

DNM..: Device address beyond the permitted range

ETH_MOD..: Invalid address detected in the telegram

DPM../DPV1..: Invalid slave address

24738 60A2

CAN..: Invalid address range

DNM..: Invalid address range

24739 60A3

CAN..: Data buffer overflow

DNM..: Data buffer overflow

ETH_MOD..: Invalid data address

24741 60A5

CAN..: Incorrect data counter

DNM..: Incorrect data counter

ETH_MOD..: Invalid data counter

24742 60A6

CAN..: Unknown data type

DNM..: Unknown data type

24743 60A7

CAN..: Unknown function

DNM..: Unknown function

ETH_MOD..: OBM task received an error in the response of the TCP task

24776 60C8

CAN..: Communication Module is not configured

DNM..: Communication Module is not configured

ETH_UDP..: Task not initialized

24778 60CA ETH_MOD..: OBM task does not have a segment from RCS
24779 60CB ETH_MOD..: Unknown or invalid sender specified with the command
24786 60D2 ETH_UDP..: No configuration data available
24788 60D4 ETH_UDP..: Error while reading the configuration data
24789 60D5 ETH_UDP..: Error while creating the diagnosis structure
24794 60DA ETH_UDP..: Not enough memory available
24832 6100 PNIO: Generic RPC-error code. See output STATUS (PROFINET-status) for details.
25088 6200 PNIO: Internal error inside Communication Module’s firmware
25089 6201 PNIO: Internal error inside Communication Module’s firmware
26117 6605 PNIO: Internal error inside Communication Module’s firmware
26118 6606 PNIO: Internal error inside Communication Module’s firmware
26119 6607 PNIO: Internal error inside Communication Module’s firmware
RPC Remote Procedure Call
CMCTL Controller Context Management
APMS Acyclic Protocol-Machine sender
APMR Acyclic Protocol-Machine receiver