Complete Error List of the CPU Modules

E1..E4 d1 d2 d3 d4 Identifier 000…063 AC500 display <- displayed in 5)
Class Comp Dev Mod Ch Err PS501 PLC browser
Byte 6 Bit 6..7 - Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Bit 0..5 FBP- diagnosis block
Class Interface Device Module Channel Error identifier Error message   Remedy Online number Online text
  1) 2) 3) 4)            
AC500 CPU errors
Errors directly reported by the CPU
Severe errors
2 9 0 2 0 15 Not enough memory to generate the external reference list   150999055 E2:
2 9 0 2 1 40 Expected and current FWAPI version are incompatible Update to newer version of PLC firmware 150999144 E2:
2 9 0 2 2 2 Heap check failed / heap is corrupt

1) Check project regarding usage of pointers for write access.

  1. Check project regarding usage of loops containing write accesses to variables probably exceeding their borders.
  2. Check project regarding usage of dynamically allocated memory.
  3. Check stack size of application Task.
150999170 E2:
2 9 0 2 2 37 Cycle time is greater than the set watchdog time Change task configuration 150999205 E2:
2 9 0 2 2 38

Access violation by an IEC task, e. g. zero pointer (details in call hierarchy)

Exception cannot be assigned to an IEC task

Correct program 150999206 E2:
2 9 0 2 x ³ 4 38

x = 2: Exception cannot be assigned to IEC Task

x ³ 4: Index of the faulty IEC task, Task Index = x - 4

Correct program 150999334 E2:
2 9 0 x ³4 2 38

x = 2: Exception cannot be assigned to IEC Task

x ³ 4: Index of the faulty IEC task, Task Index = x - 4

Correct program 151003302 E2: IEC Task 1
2 9 0 x 2 37 Cycle time of IEC task index x - 4 is greater than watchdog time (x = 31 -> IEC task index > 27) Change task configuration 151003301 E2: IEC Task 0
2 9 0 5 2 37

Cycle time is greater than the set watchdog time

Cycle time exceeded, but shorter than watchdog time

Change task configuration 151003301 E2: IEC Task 1
2 9 1..4 1 0 43 Internal error For Safety PLC: Check Safety PLC switch address setting. Restart Safety PLC. If this error persists, replace Safety PLC. 151652395 E2: Ext. 1..4 [COUPLER]
2 9 1..4 2 0..1 0 This error occurs, if the CPU was stopped but a coupler does not stop the communication. Restart CPU or call support



E2: Ext. 1..4 [COUPLER]
2 9 1..4 3 0 15 There is not enough memory available for configuration of PROFINET Controller Reboot PLC, reduce PROFINET configuration and reload project 151656463 E2: Ext. 1..4 [COUPLER]
2 9 1..4 3 0 43 Internal error occured during configuration of PROFINET Controller Reboot PLC and reload project 151656491 E2: Ext. 1..4 [COUPLER]
2 9 1..4 31 0 43 Internal error Replace module 151713835 E2: Ext. 1..4 [COUPLER]
2 9 10, 1..6 3 0 27 No configuration available Please contact AC500 support    
2 9 1..4 31 1 17 Internal error, no access to IO data Restart CPU or call support 151713873 E2:
2 9 1..4 31 2 17 Internal error, no access to IO data Restart CPU or call support 151713937 E2: Ext. 4 [COUPLER]
2 9 1..4/10 1 0 15
  • Watchdog task could not be installed
  • Installation of the Communication MODBUS bus driver failed
  • Initialization error, not enough memory
  • Check Communication Module
  • Check CPU firmware version

E2: Ext.[1..4] [COUPLER]

E2: Int. [COUPLER]

2 9 1..4/10 1 0 17 Accessing test to the Communication Module failed.
  • Check Communication Module
  • Check CPU FW version.

For Safety PLC: Check Safety PLC switch address setting. Restart Safety PLC. If this error persists, replace Safety PLC.


E2: Ext.[1..4] [COUPLER]


2 9 1..4/10 1 0 18 Watchdog test for the Communication Module failed Check Communication Module 151652370

E2: Ext.[1..4] [COUPLER]

E2: Int. [COUPLER]

2 9 1..4/10 1 0 30 Error in configuration data, PLC cannot read configuration data Create new configuration data 151652382

E2: Ext. 1 [COUPLER]

E2: Int. [COUPLER]

2 9 1..4/10 1 0 34 Timeout when setting the warm start parameters of the Communication Module Check Communication Module 151652386

E2: Ext.[1..4] [COUPLER]

E2: Int. [COUPLER]

2 9 1..4/10 1 0 38 Installation of the Communication Module driver failed Check Communication Module and FW version 151652390

E2: Ext.[1..4] [COUPLER]

E2: Int. [COUPLER]

2 9 1..4/10 2 0 15 Error occurred when creating the I/O description list of the Communication Module Check Communication Module and FW version 151654415

E2: Ext.[1..4] [COUPLER]

E2: Int. [COUPLER]

2 9 1..6/10 3 0 27 Error configuration Check configuration 151656475

E2: Int. [COUPLER]

E2: Int. 1[COUPLER]

E2: Ext. 6 [COUPLER]

2 9 1..4/10 3 0 40 Error in firmware version of Communication Module (version not supported/too old) Update firmware 151656488

E2: Ext. 1 [COUPLER]

E2: Int. [COUPLER]

2 9 1..4/10 4 0 15 Installation of a driver for the Communication Module failed Check Communication Module and FW version 151658511

E2: Ext.[1..4] [COUPLER]

E2: Int. [COUPLER]

2 9 1..4/10 31 0..7 3 Watchdog error Communication Module/channel Check Communication Module and FW version









E2: Ext.[1..4] [COUPLER]

E2: Int. [COUPLER]

2 9 8 4 0 0 Maximum errors in series detected 50 telegrams in sequence are invalid or corrupted. Onboard I/O module is shut down Restart PLC. If error still exists, replace PLC. 151527424 E2: Onboard I/O
2 9 11..12 2 0 43 Watchdog error of CS31 protocol task. Check CS31 configuration and task configuration 151719979 E2: COM[1|2]
2 9 11..13 1 0 15 Installation of a protocol driver for the serial interface failed, not enough memory Check CPU FW version 151717903

E2: COM[1|2]


2 9 11..13 1 0 17 Initialization of the protocol driver for the serial interface failed Check CPU FW version 151717905

E2: COM[1|2]


2 9 11..13 1 0 38 Installation of the hardware for the serial interface failed Check CPU FW version 151717926

E2: COM[1|2]


2 9 14 1 0 15 Not enough resources for the I/O-Bus Check CPU FW version 151914511 E2: I/O-Bus
2 9 14 1 0 17 Installation of the I/O-Bus driver failed Check CPU FW version 151914513 E2: I/O-Bus
2 9 14 1 0 43 Incorrect data format of the hardware driver of the I/O-Bus Check CPU FW version 151914539 E2: I/O-Bus
2 9 14 2 0 43 I/O-Bus communication breakdown Restart PLC 151916587 E2: I/O-Bus
2 9 20 31 2 2 Error factory test Check SD card 152369282 E2: SD card
2 9 20 31 31 18 Error update Check SD card 152371154 E2: SD card
2 9 21 31 1 2

Display firmware is below version 2.2

AC500-eCo: Firmware of RTC module too old

Update display firmware

AC500-eCo: Update firmware of RTC module

152434754 E2:
2 9 24 2 1 38 FPU division by zero Correct  program 152572006 E2:
2 9 24 2 2 38 FPU overflow Correct  program 152572070 E2:
2 9 24 2 3 38 FPU underflow Correct  program 152572134 E2:
2 9 24 2 4 38 Forbidden FPU operation Correct  program 152572198 E2:
2 9 24 2 6 38 FPU library function generated Correct  program 152572326 E2:
2 9 31 1 0 3 Error internal ETHERNET Replace module 153028611

E2:COM [1\|2]


2 9 0 2 3 27 No configuration available Please contact AC500 support 150999259 E2:
2 9 11..13 3 0 27 No configuration available Please contact AC500 support 151722011 E2:
2 9 25 3 1..2 27 No configuration available Please contact AC500 support



Light errors
3 9 0 2 1 15 Init error Web Server, error allocating memory Make web visualization smaller, clean up user RAM disc 150999119 E3:
3 9 0 2 1 17 Registering the handler for persistent data areas, areas do not work correctly Check CPU FW version 150999121 E3:
3 9 0 2 2 20 Program not started because of an existing error (see PLC configuration CPU parameters, stop on error class) Eliminate error and acknowledge 150999188 E3:
3 9 0 2 2 37 User program contains an endless loop, a stop by hand is necessary Correct user program 150999205 E3:
3 9 0 2 3 26 Configuration error Adapt PLC configuration 150999258 E3:
3 9 0 2 3 1 Loading of boot project failed due to invalid target ID Use correct target 150999233 E3:
3 9 0 2 3 27 No configuration available Create new configuration, check configuration 150999259 E3:
3 9 0 3 0 40 Expected and current major configuration version are not equal Check version of PLC firmware and PLC configuration 151001128 E3:
3 9 0 4 0 3 Initialization of shared interface failed. Check CPU and communication module configuration. 151003139 E3: IEC Task 0
3 9 0 4 1 3 Initialization of shared interface failed. Check CPU and communication module configuration. 151003203 E3: IEC Task 0
3 9 0 4..31 3 26 Event-controlled task, unknown external event Check task configuration 151003354 E3: IEC Task [0..27]
3 9 0 5 2 37 CPU will not run when IRQ task is configured Check task configuration 151003301 E3: IEC Task 1
3 9 1..4/10 2 0 12 Error occurred when reading the I/O description Check Communication Module configuration 151654412

E3: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER]

E3: Int. [COUPLER]

3 9 1..4/10 2 0 26 Program was not started because of invalid configuration data of the Communication Module Configure Communication Module 151654426

E3: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER]

E3: Int. [COUPLER]

3 9 1..4/10 2 0 29 Error occurred when deleting the configuration Check Communication Module 151654429

E3: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER]

E3: Int. [COUPLER]

3 9 1..4/10 3 0 26 In the PLC configuration, the Communication Module was not configured correctly or not at all Adapt PLC configuration 151656474

E3: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER]

E3: Int. [COUPLER]

3 9 1..4/10 4 0 26 IEC60870: Queue overrun On IEC60870 try to increase sendbuffer k value 015165822 E3: Int. [COUPLER]
3 9 1..4/10 31 0 40

ETHERNET: Wrong firmware version of ETHERNET Communication Module

PROFINET Wrong firmware version of PROFINET Communication Module or wrong configuration

ETHERNET: Update firmware

PROFINET: Update firmware. It is not possible to use the 2.1 configuration format with firmware version 2.0.1

151713832 E3: Ext. 1 [COUPLER]
3 9 8 1 0 3 Timeout occurred while downloading configuration to Onboard I/O. Restart PLC 151521283 E3:
3 9 8 1 0 8 Onboard I/O module is defective, missing or firmware (bootcode/application) is invalid or not supported Restart PLC, if error still exists replace PLC 151521288 E3:
3 9 8 1 0 31 Wrong or unknown Onboard I/O module installed. Wrong Onboard I/O module in PLC configuration selected (e .g. module 8DI+6DO selected for PM564) or mismatch between production data and installed module detected. Check PLC configuration 151521311 E3:
3 9 8 4 0 0 Maximum errors in series detected. More than 50 telegrams in sequence are invalid or corrupted. Onboard I/O module is shutdown Restart PLC 151527424 E3:
3 9 8 31 0 43 Internal error in Onboard I/O module detected, e. g. resource problem or error of device driver. Restart PLC 151582763 E3:
3 9 11..13 3 0 26 Configuration error of the serial interface Check configuration 151722010

E3: COM[1|2]


3 9 11..13 3 4 26 Configuration error at protocol configuration Check configuration 151722266 E3: COM[1|2]
3 9 14 3 0 26 Parameter “Error LED”=Failsafe is only allowed, if parameter “Behaviour of outputs in stop=actual state in hardware and online” Change configuration 151918618 E3: I/O-Bus
3 9 16 1 0 13 Writing of the boot project failed (possibly no valid boot project available) Reload project 152045581 E3:
3 9 18 2 4 14 Failed to delete boot project   152045582 E3:
3 9 20 1 2 13 Failed to write to / read from SD card Check write protection and file system consistenc 152307853 E3: SD card
3 9 20 1 20..24 8 Error firmware update of the SD card, file could not be opened Check SD card






E3: SD card Int/Ext i <Name> FW
3 9 20 1 20..24 12 Error firmware update of the SD card, error while reading the file Check SD card






E3: SD card Int/Ext i <Name> FW
3 9 20 1 20..24 13 Error firmware update of the SD card, error while writing the file Check CPU + Communication Module






E3: SD card Int/Ext i <Name> FW
3 9 20 1 20..24 17 Error firmware update of the SD card, error while accessing the Communication Module Check Communication Module






E3: SD card Int/Ext i <Name> FW
3 9 20 1 20..24 31 Error firmware update of the SD card, file does not match the Communication Module type Check SD card






E3: SD card Int/Ext i <Name> FW
3 9 20 1 31 43 Error creating the SD card task, involving no more use of the SD card Restart PLC, check SD card 152309739 E3: SD card
3 9 20 3 10..14 8 Error while reading/writing the configuration data from/to the SD card, file could not be opened Check SD card






E3: SD card Int/Ext i <Name> CFG
3 9 20 3 10..14 12 Error while reading/writing the configuration data from/to the SD card, error while reading the file Check SD card






E3: SD card Int/Ext i <Name> CFG
3 9 20 3 10..14 13 Error while reading/writing the configuration data from/to the SD card, error while writing the file Check SD card






E3: SD card Int/Ext i <Name> CFG
3 9 20 3 10..14 17 Error while reading/writing the configuration data from/to the SD card, error while accessing the Communication Module Check SD card and hardware configuration






E3: SD card Int/Ext i <Name> CFG
3 9 20 3 10..14 31 Error while reading/writing the configuration data from/to the SD card, file does not match the Communication Module type Check SD card and hardware configuration






E3: SD card Int/Ext i <Name> CFG
3 9 20 31 0 2 File does not exist Check SD card 152369154 E3: SD card Bootcode
3 9 20 31 0 8 Error: Invalid file Check SD card 152369160 E3: SD card Bootcode
3 9 20 31 0 13 Error while updating the bootcode. Perhaps bootcode is invalid or some errors occurred while loading the bootcode into the PLC. Check SD card, reload 152369165 E3: SD card Bootcode
3 9 20 31 0 19 Error while updating the bootcode. Checksum error has occur while loading the new bootcode into the PLC. Check SD card, reload 152369171 E3: SD card Bootcode
3 9 20 31 0 40 Version is not supported, e.g. obsolete firmware Check firmware version, update to latest version 152369192 E3: SD card Bootcode
3 9 20 31 0 43 Other error, e. g. not enough memory or file system error Update CPU firmware 152369195 E3: SD card Firmware
3 9 20 31 1 2 File does not exist Check SD card 152369218 E3: SD card Firmware
3 9 20 31 1 8 Error: Invalid file Check SD card 152369224 E3: SD card Firmware
3 9 20 31 1 13

SD card errors:

SDCARD.INI on SD card is missing, default was generated

Copying the boot project from the SD card failed (may be that there is no valid boot project)

Creating of the boot project failed (may be that there is no valid boot project)

Check SD card 152369229 E3: SD card Firmware
3 9 20 31 1 40 Version is not supported, e.g. obsolete firmware Check firmware version, update to latest version 152369256 E3: SD card Firmware
3 9 20 31 1 41 Copying the firmware from the PLC to the SD card failed Check SD card 152369257 E3: SD card Firmware
3 9 20 31 1 43 Other error, e .g. not enough memory or file system error Update CPU firmware 152369259 E3: SD card Firmware
3 9 20 31 4 12 Copying the boot project and/or (at least) the Communication Module configuration from PLC to SD card failed Check SD card 152369420 E3: SD card Bootproject
3 9 20 31 4 13 Copying the boot project and/or (at least) the Communication Module configuration from PLC to SD card failed Check SD card 152369421 E3: SD card Bootproject
3 9 20 31 5 13 Error while writing the source file Check SD card 152369485 E3: SD card Sourcecode
3 9 20 31 7 8 Error image update, file could not be found Check SD card 152369608 E3: SD card Image
3 9 20 31 7 12 Error while copying the boot project, retains, persistent and/or (at least) Communication Module from SD card to PLC Check SD card 152369612 E3: SD card Image
3 9 20 31 7 13 Error while updating the image, perhaps firmware is defective or an error occurred while writing the new image Check SD card and firmware version, retry 152369613 E3: SD card Image
3 9 20 31 7 19 Error while updating the image. Checksum error has occur while loading the new image into the PLC Check SD card and firmware version, retry 152369619 E3: SD card Image
3 9 20 31 7 43 Other error, e. g. not enough memory or file system error Update CPU firmware 152369643 E3: SD card Image
3 9 20 31 29 0 Error while updating the image of (at least) 1 Communication Module Check SD card and FW version, retry 152371008 E3: SD card Firmware Communication Module
3 9 21 31 0 17 Display could not be installed Check FW 152434705 E3:
3 15 1 2 0 26 Different configuration values at Function Block HA_CS31_CONTROL in CPU A and CPU B Correct Application -> HA_CS31_CONTROL - -
3 15 1 3 0 26 Different configuration values at Function Block HA_DATA_SYNC in CPU A and CPU B Correct Application -> HA_DATA_SYNC - -
4 1 255 30 2 39 More than one instance of SF_WDOG_TIME_SET or SF_MAX_POWER_DIP_SET Correct user program 184545447 E4:
4 9 0 2 2 9 Diagnosis buffer full Clear all errors 150999177 E4:
4 9 0 2 2 10 Error while copying web visualization/IEC RAM disc, RAM disc to small Make web visualization/IEC program smaller, clean up user RAM disc 150999178 E4:
4 9 0 2 2 20 Program not started because of an existing error (see PLC configuration CPU parameters, stop on error class) Eliminate error and acknowledge 150999188 E4:
4 9 0 2 2 37 Cycle time exceeded, but shorter than watchdog time Adapt task configuration 150999205 E4:
4 9 0 2 2 43 Control system was restarted by EC2 or power dip according to PLC configuration   150999211 E4:
4 9 0 2 3 17 Internal Error Contact ABB Technical Support 150999249  
4 9 0 2 3 54 FlexConfID is greater than the number of alternative configuration files. Change FlexConf ID 150999286 E4:
4 9 0 3 0 28 Different configuration -> old firmware with new Control Builder Plus or new firmware with old Control Builder Plus Update CPU firmware 151001116 E4:
4 9 0 3 1 40 Boot code versions V1.1.3. (or older versions) support smaller RAM disk Update boot code to 1.2.0 151001192 E4:
4 9 8 2 0 52 Interrupt lost. This happens when some input channels are configured as Interrupt on rising edge or Interrupt on falling edge and the function block ONB_IO_INT_IN is not called fast enough to acknowledge incoming interrupts events. Check Task configuration and PLC program 151523380 E4:
4 9 1..4 3 0 28 Different configuration -> old firmware with new Control Builder Plus or new firmware with old Control Builder Plus Update CPU firmware 151656476 E4: Ext. 1..4 [COUPLER]
4 9 1.4 3 0 40 Selected configuration is not supported by the current coupler firmware. Update the coupler firmware so that this configuration can be used 151656488 E4: Ext. 1..4 [COUPLER]
4 9 1..4/10 1 0 32 Installation of the Communication Module driver failed, unknown Communication Module type Check configuration 151652384

E4: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER]

E4: Int. [COUPLER]

4 9 1..4/10 2 0 3 Within the specified time, connection could not be established to all of the slaves, I/O data may be (partly) invalid Check slave for existence or set times according to the slave behaviour 151654403

E4: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER]

E4: Int. [COUPLER]

4 9 1..4/10 2 0 4 No socket available Check Communication Module settings with PLC browser 151654404

E4: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER]

E4: Int. [COUPLER]

4 9 10 3 0 28 Different configuration -> old firmware with new Control Builder Plus or new firmware with old Control Builder Plus Update CPU firmware 151656476 E4: Int. [COUPLER]
4 9 11/12 3 0 28 Different configuration -> old firmware with new Control Builder Plus or new firmware with old Control Builder Plus Update CPU firmware 151722012 E4: COM1
4 9 13 3 0 28 Different configuration -> old firmware with new Control Builder Plus or new firmware with old Control Builder Plus Update CPU firmware 151722012 E4: FBP
4 9 17 2 3 10 Web visualization exceeds size of RAM disk Build smaller web visualization 152113354 E4:
4 9 17 3 3 10 Web visualization exceeds size of  user RAM disk Build smaller web visualization 152115402 E4:
4 9 17 3 3 8 Incomplete download of web visualization Try to download web visualization again 152115400 E4:
4 9 17 3 3 14 Failed to cleanup unused parts of web visualization not available 152115406 E4:
4 9 17 2 4 10 Boot project exceeds size of RAM disc Build smaller boot project 152113418 E4:
4 9 18 1 0 17 PLC Configuration file could not be read Reload project 152176657 E4:
4 9 18 2 4 10 Boot project exceeds size of flash Build smaller boot project 152178954 E4:
4 9 18 2 0 8 Failed to write to / read from SD card Check write protection and file system consistency 152178696 E4:
4 9 18 31 3 12 Failed to read web visualization, power-off while web visualization has been flashed Recreate web visualization 152238284 E4:
4 9 18 31 4 12 Failed to read boot project from flash; power-off while boot project has been flashed Recreate boot project 152238348 E4:
4 9 20 1 2 2 Invalid value for FunctionOfCard in SDCARD.INI, value will be ignored Check file SDCARD.INI on the SD card 152307842 E4: SD card
4 9 20 1 2 13 Error of the key actualization of the SDCARD.ini file Check SD card 152307853 E4: SD card
4 9 20 1 10..14 8 Error Firmware update of the SD card, file could not be opened Check SD card






E4: SD card
4 9 20 1 10..14 12 Error Firmware update of the SD card, error while reading the file Check SD card






E4: SD card
4 9 20 1 10..14 13 Error Firmware update of the SD card, error while writing the file Check CPU + Communication Module






E4: SD card
4 9 20 1 10..14 17 Error Firmware update of the SD card, error while accessing the Communication Module Check Communication Module






E4: SD card
4 9 20 1 10..14 31 Error Firmware update of the SD card, file does not match the Communication Module type Check SD card






E4: SD card
4 9 20 3 10..14 1 Error updating the Communication Module configuration, file does not match the Communication Module type Check SD card






E4: SD card CFG Int.

E4: SD card Ext.1..4 CFG

4 9 20 3 10..14 8 Error updating the Communication Module configuration, file could not be found Check SD card






E4: SD card CFG Int.

E4: SD card Ext.1..4 CFG

4 9 20 3 10..14 27 Error updating the Communication Module configuration, error while accessing the Communication Module Check CPU + Communication Module






E4: SD card CFG Int.

E4: SD card Ext.1..4 CFG

4 9 20 3 10..14 35 Error updating the Communication Module configuration error while reading the file Check Communication Module






E4: SD card CFG Int.

E4: SD card Ext.1..4 CFG

4 9 20 3 10..14 36 Error updating the Communication Module configuration, error while writing the file Check SD card






E4: SD card CFG Int.

E4: SD card Ext.1..4 CFG

4 9 20 3 20..24 8 Error while reading/writing the configuration data from/to the SD card, file could not be opened Check SD card






E4: SD card
4 9 20 3 20..24 12 Error while reading/writing the configuration data from/to the SD card, error while reading the file Check SD card






E4: SD card
4 9 20 3 20..24 13 Error while reading/writing the configuration data from/to the SD card, error while writing the file Check SD card






E4: SD card
4 9 20 3 20..24 17 Error while reading/writing the configuration data from/to the SD card, error while accessing the Communication Module Check SD card and hardware configuration






E4: SD card
4 9 20 3 20..24 31 Error while reading/writing the configuration data from/to the SD card, file does not match the Communication Module type Check SD card and hardware configuration






E4: SD card
4 9 20 2 4 13 Failed to copy boot project to SD Card Check SD Card for free space 152310029 E4: SD card
4 9 20 31 0..15 0..15

Communication Module update failed, error message of the Communication Module:

Channel = Bit 4..7; Error = Bit 0..3

See table Communication Module errors Complete Error List of the Communication Modules    
4 9 20 31 0 2 Error while updating the bootcode, *.gza is incorrect or not supported Check SD card, update CPU firmware 152369154 E4: SD card Bootcode
4 9 20 31 0 8 Error while updating the bootcode, *.gza file could not be opened, e. g. file not found Check SD card 152369160 E4: SD card Bootcode
4 9 20 31 0 13 Error while reading/writing the bootcode from/to the SD card, error while writing the file Check SD card 152369165 E4: SD card Bootcode
4 9 20 31 0 19 Error while updating the bootcode, checksum failure of the written file Update CPU firmware, check SD card 152369171 E4: SD card Bootcode
4 9 20 31 0 40 Error while updating the bootcode, version is not supported by hardware Update CPU firmware 152369192 E4: SD card Bootcode
4 9 20 31 0 43 Error while updating the bootcode, internal error, e. g. not enough memory or file system error Update CPU firmware 152369195 E4: SD card Bootcode
4 9 20 31 1 2 Error while updating the firmware, *.gza is incorrect or not supported Check SD card, update CPU firmware 152369218 E4: SD card Firmware
4 9 20 31 1 8 Error while updating the firmware, *.gza file could not be opened, e. g. file not found Check SD card 152369224 E4: SD card Firmware
4 9 20 31 1 13 Error while reading/writing the firmware from/to the SD card, error while writing the file Check SD card 152369229 E4: SD card Firmware
4 9 20 31 1 19 Error while updating the firmware, checksum failure of the written file Check SD card, reload 152369235 E4: SD card Firmware
4 9 20 31 1 40 Error while updating the firmware, version is not supported by hardware Update CPU firmware 152369256 E4: SD card Firmware
4 9 20 31 1 41 Error while exporting the firmware to the SD card Check SD card, reload 152369257 E4: SD card Firmware
4 9 20 31 1 43 Error while updating the firmware, internal error, e. g. not enough memory or file system error Update CPU firmware 152369259 E4: SD card Firmware
4 9 20 31 2 12 No SD card inserted or SDCARD.INI file not found Check SD card 152369292 E4: SD card
4 9 20 31 3 13

SD card errors:

  • SDCARD.INI on SD card is missing, default was generated
  • Copying the boot project from the SD card failed
  • Copying the boot project from the SD card failed (may be that there is no valid boot project)
  • Creation of the boot project failed (may be that there is no valid boot project)
Check SD card 152369357 E4: SD card
4 9 20 31 4 12 Error while exporting the user program and/or the Communication Module’s configuration to the SD card Check SD card, reload 152369420 E4: SD card Bootproject
4 9 20 31 4 13 Error while importing the user program and/or the Communication Module’s configuration from SD card Check SD card, reload 152369421 E4: SD card Bootproject
4 9 20 31 5 12 Error while importing the persistent data from the SD card Check SD card, reload 152369484 E4: SD card Persistents
4 9 20 31 5 13 Loading the source code failed Check SD card, reload 152369485 E4: SD card Persistents
4 9 20 31 6 12 Error while importing the retain data from the SD card Check SD card, reload 152369548 E4: SD card Retains
4 9 20 31 7 8 Error while updating the OEM-image, file not found Check SD card 152369608 E4: SD card Image
4 9 20 31 7 12 Error while updating the OEM-image, error while reading the file Check SD card 152369612 E4: SD card Image
4 9 20 31 7 13 Error while updating the OEM-image, error while writing the file Check SD card 152369613 E4: SD card Image
4 9 20 31 7 19 Error while updating the OEM-image, checksum failure Check SD card, reload 152369619 E4: SD card Image
4 9 20 31 7 43 Error while updating the OEM-image, internal error (e. g. not enough memory) Check SD card, update CPU firmware 152369643 E4: SD card Image
4 9 20 31 8 1 Error Firmware update of the SD card, no version could be found at the sdcard.ini Check SD card 152369665 E4: SD card Firmware MMI
4 9 20 31 8 2 Error Firmware update of the SD card, file is incorrect or does not exist Check SD card 152369666 E4: SD card Firmware MMI
4 9 20 31 8 8 Error Firmware update of the SD card, file could not be opened Check SD card 152369672 E4: SD card Firmware MMI
4 9 20 31 8 27 Error Firmware update, wrong PLC mode (RUN) Check PLC mode 152369691 E4: SD card Firmware MMI
4 9 20 31 8 35 Error Firmware update of the SD card, error while reading the file Check SD card 152369699 E4: SD card Firmware MMI
4 9 20 31 8 36 Error Firmware update of the SD card, error while writing the file Check SD card 152369700 E4: SD card Firmware MMI
4 9 20 31 8 40 Error Firmware update of the SD card, PLC version does not support the update Update CPU firmware 152369701 E4: SD card Firmware MMI
4 9 20 31 9 1 Error Firmware update of the SD card, no version could be found at the sdcard.ini Check SD card 152369729 E4: SD card Firmware IO
4 9 20 31 9 2 Error Firmware update of the SD card, file is incorrect or does not exist Check SD card 152369730 E4: SD card Firmware IO
4 9 20 31 9 8 Error Firmware update of the SD card, file could not be opened Check SD card 152369736 E4: SD card Firmware IO
4 9 20 31 9 12 Error Firmware update of the SD Card, file could not be read Check SD card 152369740 E4: SD card Firmware IO
4 9 20 31 9 17 Error Firmware update, wrong PLC mode (RUN) Check PLC mode 152369745 E4: SD card Firmware IO
4 9 20 31 9 36 Error Firmware update of the SD card, error while writing the file Check SD card 152369764 E4: SD card Firmware IO
4 9 20 31 9 40 Error Firmware update of the SD card, PLC version does not support the update Update CPU firmware 152369768 E4: SD card Firmware IO
4 9 20 31 9 43 Other error, e. g. not enough memory or file system error Update CPU firmware 152369771 E4: SD card Firmware IO
4 9 20 31 29 0 Error while updating the image of (at least) 1 Communication Module Check SD card and FW version, retry 152371008 E4: SD card Firmware Communication Module
4 9 20 31 41 0 Error Firmware update of the Communication Module Update CPU firmware, reload 152369728 E4: SD card Firmware Coupler
4 9 21 31 1 2 Error display firmware Update display firmware 152434754 E4:
4 9 22 31 31 8 Missing or exhausted battery Insert battery or set parameter “Check Battery” to “Off” 152502216 E4:
4 9 22 31 31 53 Battery status changed   152502261 E4:
4 9 25 3 0 28 Different configuration -> old firmware with new Control Builder Plus or new firmware with old Control Builder Plus Update CPU firmware 152639516 E4:
4 9 27 1 2 0 PLC performed reboot due to power dip Check PLC’s power supply 152766592 E4:
4 9 29 31 0 2 RUN/STOP switch in STOP position and trying to run user program via IEC 61131-3 editor Check position of RUN/STOP switch 152502216 E4:
4 9 33 31 1




Startup/Restart of flashdisk failed Check flashdisk




4 9 33 31 2 43 No filesystem found Format flashdisk manually (PBC) 153221291 E4:
4 9 33 31 3 43 Format failed Check flashdisk 153221355 E4:
4 9 33 31 4 43 Writing MBR failed Check flashdisk 153221419 E4:
4 9 33 31 5 43 Flashdisk has aged (close to end of life) Prepare replacement of CPU 153221483 E4:
4 9 33 31 6 43 Flashdisk has reached end of life, switched to read-only mode Replace CPU 153221547 E4:
4 9 34 31 2 43 SRAM disk has been formatted   153286827 E4:
4 9 255 30 2 39 More than one instance of SF_WDOG_TIME_SET or SF_MAX_POWER_DIP_SET Correct user program 167768231 E4:
Error messages of the file system
4 9 33 31 1 8 no filesystem found Contact support 153221192 Startup/Restart of flashdisk failed
4 9 33 31 1 15 could not create drive instance Contact support 153221199 Startup/Restart of flashdisk failed
4 9 33 31 1 6 can’t open device driver Contact support 153221190 Startup/Restart of flashdisk failed
4 9 33 31 2 43 no filesystem found Contact support 153221291
4 9 33 31 5 43 flashdisk has aged Contact support 153221483 Flashdisk has reached end of life, switched to read-only mode -> Replace CPU
4 9 33 31 6 43 flashdisk is at end of (write) lifetime Contact support 153221547
4 9 33 31 1 43 unknown Contact support 153221227
4 9 33 31 3 43 formating memory location failed Contact support 153221355 Format failed -> Check flashdisk
4 9 17 31 3 43 formating memory location failed Contact support 152172779
4 9 17 31 2 43 no filesystem found Contact support 152172715
4 9 34 31 3 43 formating memory location failed Contact support 153286891
4 9 34 31 2 43 no filesystem found Contact support 153286827 SRAM disk has been formatted
4 9 20 31 3 43 formating memory location failed Contact support 152369387

Online text

4 9 20 31 2 43 no filesystem found Contact support 152369323
Error messages of the I/O-Bus
Severe errors
2 14 1..10 31 1 34 Timeout while initializing an I/O Module Replace module 234944610 E2: I/O-Bus, Mod. [1..10]
2 14 1..10 31 4 33 Timeout while waiting for Reset Check I/O Module 234944801 E2: I/O-Bus, Mod. [1..10]
2 14 1..10 31 4 42 Failure of the module, more than the max. permissible communication errors have occurred in sequence

Check module, FW version

(PLC-browser: IO-bus desc)

234944810 E2: I/O-Bus, Mod. [1..10]
2 14 1..10 31 3 27 No configuration available Please contact AC500 support 234944731 E2: I/O-Bus, Mod. 1..10
2 14 255 3 0 27 No configuration available Please contact AC500 support 251598875 E2: I/O-Bus
Light errors
3 14 1..10 31 1 32 Master and module could not agree on any protocol variant, no variant found which is supported by both the master and the module Check FW version CPU / I/O module 234944608 E3: I/O-Bus, Mod. [1..10]
3 14 1..10 31 3 26

Configuration error

PLC configuration master

Check configuration 234944730 E3: I/O-Bus, Mod. [1..10]
3 14 255 2 0 3 Timeout while updating the I/O data at the program start Check FW version CPU / I/O modules 251596803 E3: I/O-Bus
3 14 255 2 0 26 Program was not started because of configuration error of the I/O-Bus Check configuration 251596826 E3: I/O-Bus
3 14 255 3 0 26

Configuration error

PLC configuration master

Check configuration 251598874 E3: I/O-Bus
4 14 1..10 31 1 34 Timeout during parameterization Check FW version CPU / I/O Modules 234944610 E4: I/O-Bus, Mod. [1..10]
4 14 1..10 31 1 35 Timeout during parameterization Check FW version CPU / I/O Modules 234944611 E4: I/O-Bus, Mod. [1..10]
4 14 1..10 31 31 44 Module has not passed factory test Replace module 234946540 E4: I/O-Bus, Mod. [1..10]
4 14 0..254 3 0 28 Different configuration -> old firmware with new Control Builder Plus or new firmware with old Control Builder Plus Update CPU firmware 234881052 E4: I/O-Bus, Mod. 0..254, 3, 0
4 14 255 3 0 28 Different configuration -> old firmware with new Control Builder Plus or new firmware with old Control Builder Plus Update CPU firmware 251598876 E4: I/O-Bus
Error messages of the Onboard I/O Modules
Severe errors
2 8 0..7 3 0 27 No configuration available Please contact AC500 support









“E2: Onboard I/O

E2: Onboard I/O PWM

E2: Onboard I/O IRQ

E2: Onboard I/O FC

E2: Onboard I/O AI

E2: Onboard I/O AO

E2: Onboard I/O

E2: Onboard I/O

2 8 255 3 0 27 No configuration available Please contact AC500 support 150935579 E2: Onboard I/O
Light errors
3 8 255 2 0 3 MaxWaitRun for onboard I/O Module has expired, when PLC is put into RUN state Reboot and try it again. If the error still exists, replace CPU for testing 150933507 E3: Onboard I/O Ch: 0
3 8 255 3 0 26 Invalid configuration of Onboard I/O Module, e. g. 2  input channels are configured as fast counter and interrupt input at the same time. Correct PLC configuration 150935578 E3: Onboard I/O Ch: 0
3 9 8 2 0 52 Frequency on interrupt input pin too high and interrupt events are missed Correct frequency 150933556 E3: Onboard I/O Ch: 0
4 8 1 2 1 2 Invalid configuration value for PWM channel. Frequency / cycletime for the PWM channel of the 8DI+6DO and 8DI+6DO+2AI+1AO module are common and if both channel are configured for PWM, the frequency of the second channel must be set to 0. Correct frequency 134287426 E4: Onboard I/O PWM Ch: 1
4 8 1 2 0..1 4 PWM channel frequency or cycle time too high Correct frequency or cycle time



E4: Onboard I/O PWM Ch: 0/1
4 8 1 2 0..1 7 PWM channel frequency or cycle time too low Correct frequency or cycle time



E4: Onboard I/O PWM Ch: 0/1
4 8 1 2 0 52 Frequency at interrupt input too high Check task configuration and PLC program 151523380 E3: Onboard I/O
4 8 4 2 0..1 48 Analog input value too high Correct value



E4: Onboard I/O AI Ch: 0/1
4 8 5 2 0 48 Analog output value too high Correct value 134549552 E4: Onboard I/O AO Ch: 0
4 8 255 2 0 26 PLC was put into RUN state, although a configuration error is present, because parameter Run on config fault is set to YES Correct PLC configuration 150933530 E4: Onboard I/O Ch: 0
4 8 255 0 0 43 Unspecified or internal error occured Replace CPU 150929451 E4: Onboard I/O Ch: 0
4 9 8 3 0 28 Different configuration -> old firmware with new Control Builder Plus or new firmware with old Control Builder Plus Update CPU firmware 151525404 E4: Onboard I/O
Error messages of the Communication Module Interface (6)
Severe errors
2 1..4 11/12 3 0 27 Error configuration Check configuration 167772187 E2: Ext. 1..4 [COUPLER], [COUPLER] 11..12, 3, 0
2 1..4/10 255 3 0 2 Same Node ID twice in the net Use Node IDs only once 184489986

E2: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER]

E2: Int. [COUPLER]

Light errors
3 1..4 0..254 31 31 20 Slave-To-Slave communication fails Check configuration and version 167837652 E3: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER]
3 1..4 0..254 31 31 41 Error on distributed clocks Check configuration and version 167837673 E3: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER]
3 10 255 1 1 25 Error timeout DHCP (>= 30 s); fallback IP set by configurator Check network (IP address, wiring, …), check DHCP server 184485977 E3: Int. [COUPLER]
3 10 255 3 0 28 Error: changing IP parameter while using this interface; no IP parameters can be changed if the device is in use Log out, log in and set to run 184490012 E3: Int. [COUPLER]
3 10 255 4 5 25 SNTP: Error - Timeout, no answer in PRESync timeout, program does not start Check network (IP address, wiring, …), change PREsync timeout in configuration 184492377 E3: Int. [COUPLER]
3 10 255 4 5 38 SNTP: Error - No answer from server (normal and backup), try again Check network (IP address, wiring, …) 184492390 E3: Int. [COUPLER]
3 1..6/10 255 3 0 26

Incorrect or missing Communication Module configuration.

Setting of IP parameters failed.

Configure Communication Module.

Check the IP.


E3: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER]

E3: Int. [COUPLER]

3 1..4/10 255 5 0..15 0..15

Error message of the operating system of the Communication Module:

Channel = Bit 4..7

Error = Bit 0..3

See table Complete Error List of the Communication Modules 184494080

E3: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER] OS


3 1..4/10 255 6..12 0..15 0..15

Error message of the task x of the Communication Module:

Task x = ‘Module’ - 5

Channel = Bit 4..7

Error = Bit 0..3

See table Complete Error List of the Communication Modules 184496128

E3: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER] Task [1..7]

E3: Int. [COUPLER] Task [1..7]

3 1..4/10 255 31 0 33 Timeout while waiting for reset of the Communication Module Check Communication Module 184547361

E3: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER]

E3: Int. [COUPLER]

3 1..4/10 255 31 0 34 Timeout while waiting for readiness of the Communication Module Check Communication Module 184547362

E3: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER]

E3: Int. [COUPLER]

4 1..4/10 0..7 31 31 47 Short-circuit Communication Module/channel Fix short-circuit 167837679

E4: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER], [COUPLER] [1..7]

E4: Int. [COUPLER], [COUPLER] [1..7]

4 1..6/10 0..254 31 0..15 0..15

Communication error to the slave,

Channel = Bit 4..7

Error = Bit 0..3

See table Complete Error List of the Communication Modules 167835648

E4: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER], [COUPLER] [1..254]

E4: Int. [COUPLER], [COUPLER] [1..254]

4 1..4 2 31 1 1 PROFIBUS Slave device  <device number>: connection lost Error initalization of slave configuration Check connection Check configuration values of slave 167835713 E4: PROFIBUS Slave device 4 E4: Ext. 1..4 [COUPLER] , [COUPLER] 2
4 1..4 2 31 1 14 Error initialization of slave configuration Check slave configuration 167835726 E4: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER] , [COUPLER] 2
4 1..4 2 31 2 2 Runtime error of slave Check slave configuration 167835778 E4: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER] , [COUPLER] 2
4 1..4/10 255 2 0..15 0..15

Communication error of the Communication Module,

Channel = Bit 4..7

Error = Bit 0..3

See table Complete Error List of the Communication Modules 184487936

E4: Ext. [1..4] [COUPLER]

E4: Int. [COUPLER]

4 10 255 4 5 3 SNTP: Error finding connection to server; tried 5 times to get connection Check network (IP address, wiring, …) 184492355 E4: Int. [COUPLER]
4 10 255 4 5 10 SNTP: Error time; time difference makes time jump necessary, but too big / not allowed Set time manually or allow bigger time jumps 184492362 E4: Int. [COUPLER]
4 10 255 4 5 34 SNTP: Could not sync time before configured timeout Check connection to time server and/or configure bigger timeout 184482386 E4: Int. [COUPLER]
Error messages of the serial interfaces
Severe errors
2 11..13 255 31 0 17

Access errors:

  • Interface could not be closed
  • Interface could not be opened
  • Timeslotmode could not be activated
Check FW version, replace CPU if necessary



E2: COM [1..2]


4 13 255 4 0 42 Receiving error or timeout of the FBP slave interface   234823722 E4: FBP
Error messages of the CS31 bus (COM1 = CS31 master)
Class Interface Address Module type Channel Error identifier Error message Remedy Online number Online text
Light errors
3 11 0..61 0..5 0 8 No module found on the CS31 bus Adapt configuration 184549384 E3: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [0..5], 0
3 11 0..61 1..8 0..31 0..63 S500 class 3 diagnostic sent by DC551 See table Complete Error List of the S500 I/O Modules 184549376 to 184549439 E3: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [1..8], [0..30 | (>=) 31]
3 11 255 1 0 8 No module found on the CS31 Bus Check configuration 201263112 E3: COM1
4 11 0..61 0..5 0 8 ICMK 14 with extensions configured, the extensions was not found on the bus Check configuration 184549384 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [0..5], 0
4 11 0..61 0..5 0 28 Module discarded and registered again; is only reported at the start   184549404 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [0..5], 0
4 11 0..61 0..5 0 32 Not configured module found on the bus, again discarded Check CS31 bus, insert CS31_DIAG function block into the project 184549408 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [0..5], 0
4 11 0..61 0..5 0..15 1 Internal error (error 1), reported by an AC31 I/O module Check module 184549377 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [0..5], [0..15]
4 11 0..61 0..5 0..15 28 Configured module does not match the module registered to the bus Check PLC configuration, insert CS31_DIAG function block into the project 184549404 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [0..5], [0..15]
4 11 0..61 0..5 0..15 32 Not configured module registered to the bus Check PLC configuration, insert CS31_DIAG function block into the project 184549408 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [0..5], [0..15]
4 11 0..61 0..5 0..15 47 Short-circuit on CS31 module/channel Fix short-circuit 184549423 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [0..5], [0..15]
4 11 0..61 0, 2, 4 0..15 2 Cut wire (Error 2) of an AC31 I/O module Remove error at the module or the channel 184549378 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [0|2|4], [0..15]
4 11 0..61 0, 2, 4 0..15 4 Overload (Error 4) of an AC31 I/O module 184549380 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [0|2|4], [0..15]
4 11 0..61 0, 2, 4 0..15 6 Overload + cut wire (Error 6) of an AC31 I/O module 184549382 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [0|2|4], [0..15]
4 11 0..61 0, 2, 4 0..15 10 Short-circuit + cut wire or “out of range” at analog modules (Error 10) of an AC31 I/O module 184549386 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [0|2|4], [0..15]
4 11 0..61 0, 2, 4 0..15 12 Overload + short-circuit (Error 12) of an AC31 I/O module 184549388 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [0|2|4], [0..15]
4 11 0..61 0, 2, 4 0..15 14 Short-circuit + overload + cut wire (Error 14) of an AC31 I/O module 184549390 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [0|2|4], [0..15]
4 11 0..61 1, 3, 5 0..15 3 Analog value exceeded (Error 3) of an AC31 I/O Module 184549379 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [1|3|5], [0..15]
4 11 0..61 1, 3, 5 0..15 9 Cut wire (Error 9) of an AC31 analog module 184549385 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [1|3|5], [0..15]
4 11 0..61 1..8 0..31 0..63 E4 error messages of DC551 and S500 I/O Modules, see table below See table Complete Error List of the S500 I/O Modules 184549376 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61], [1..8], [0..30 | (>=) 31]
4 11 0..61 31 31 9 Impossible configuration DC551 and S500 I/O Modules (too many I/Os in one cluster) Change configuration 184614857 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61]
4 11 0..61 31 31 31 Impossible configuration DC551 and S500 I/O Modules (too many parameters in one cluster) Change configuration 184614879 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61]
4 11 0..61 31 31 34 Outputs are written before the configuration of the modules DC551 + S500 I/O have been finished   184614882 E4: COM1 [PROTOCOL] [0..61]



AC500 uses the following interface identification:

14 = I/O Bus, 11 = COM1 (e.g., CS31 Bus), 12 = COM2

FBP diagnosis blocks do not contain this identifier.


The assignment for “Device” is as follows:

31 = Module, 1..10 = Expansion 1..10


The assignment for “Module” is as follows:

31 = Module or module type (1 = AI, 3 = AO, 4 = DC)

4) In case of module errors, “31 = Module” is reported for the channel.
5) In the AC500 CPU firmware version, errors reported to the AC500 CPU by the DC505-FBP cannot be directly made visible on the display or in the PLC browser.
6) Communication Module errors: 1 = UDP DataExchange, 2 = UDP no AC31 Header, 3 = Online Protocol, 4 = Netconfig, 5 = SNTP, 6 = MODBUS