Object ‘Alarm class’

An alarm class describes the general properties of an alarm. These include the type of acknowledgment of the alarm and the actions that are to take place automatically if a certain alarm status is attained. In the definition of the alarm class you can also define the font of the message in the visualization elements.

Priority Specification of the priority of the alarms in this class (0-255). The priority describes the priority of the alarm condition. 0 represents the highest priority, 255 the lowest.
Archiving 006396775a68973ec0a8640e018c7bee_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : CODESYS records the alarms in this class. To do this you must create an object Alarm storage.
Acknowledgement method: Definition of how an alarm is acknowledged.

REP: alarm inactive after rectification of the cause


ACK: alarm inactive after acknowledgment; acknowledgment method for ‘Events’


REP_ACK: alarm inactive after rectification of the cause and acknowledgment


ACK_REP: alarm inactive after acknowledgment and rectification of the cause


ACK_REP_ACK: inactive after optional acknowledgement that the alarm was received, rectification of the cause and acknowledgement that the alarm situation was ended


Alarm status:

  • ① Normal: there is no alarm situation (normal state)
  • ‚ Active: alarm situation has occurred (there is an alarm)
  • ➂ Wait for confirmation: there is no longer an alarm, acknowledgement has not yet taken place
  • ➃ Active, Acknowledged: there is still an alarm; acknowledgement has already taken place

Status transitions:

  • ⑤ Activate: alarm situation occurs (‘alarm comes’)
  • ⑥ Deactivate: alarm situation is ended (‘alarm goes’)
  • ⑦ Confirm: acknowledgement of an alarm that is already ended
  • ⑧ ACK: acknowledgement of an alarm that is still present

Please note: CODESYS displays this diagram in a tooltip if you position the mouse pointer over the selection box in the configuration editor.

You frequently have to ensure that the user notices the alarm during operation. Various actions are available to you in the alarm class for this. The user must confirm (acknowledge) the alarm in order for the alarm to be removed from the alarm list.

acknowledge separately 006396775a68973ec0a8640e018c7bee_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : During operation the user cannot acknowledge the alarm together with other alarms, but must acknowledge it separately. This prevents the user from inadvertently acknowledging an alarm together with other alarms.
Notification actions
You can assign a list of actions to each alarm class that are to be executed as soon as the alarm is subject to a status transition.

Select one of the following actions by double-clicking on the action column:

  • Variable: value assignment of a variable
  • Execute: execution of a program
  • Call: call of a function block instance





The available status transitions depend on the selected acknowledgement method.

006396775a68973ec0a8640e018c7bee_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : the action is executed with the status transition

Details Displays a summary of the action. You define the action below the table or edit the action directly in this row.
Deactivation: Variable via which an application can deactivate the action.
You define the parameters of the action in the field below the table. The parameters depend on the selected action:
  • Variable:

    Variable: variable to which you assign a value or an expression.

    In the right-hand field: assigned variable or expression. You can select the variables via the input assistant ( 006396775a68973ec0a8640e018c7bee_22605df71e8d8628c0a8640e01947982 ).

    In the case of boolean variables you can use the placeholder ALARM, in the case of integer variables the placeholder STATE. In the case of string variables you can enter any IEC literal (e.g. ‘too high!’).

    • ALARM: Status (TRUE or FALSE) of the alarm of this alarm class that was last activated/deactivated
    • STATE: Status of the alarm of this alarm class that last changed its status. (0: Normal, 2: Active, 3: WaitingForConfirmation, 4: ActiveAcknowledged)
  • Execute:

    Executable file: path and file name of the executable file on the controller.

    Parameter: one or more parameters that you add to the call. You separate several parameters by a space.

  • Call:

    Function block instance: function block that is called. The function block must implement the interface IAlarmNotifiable (AlarmManager.library). The desired action on a change of state is implemented in the method Execute.

    Additional parameter structure: if the function block requires an additional parameter structure, the structure components are listed in this table and can be filled here. An additional parameter structure is defined in the function block with the attribute AlarmManagerAdditionalData.

    Example: the function block has the attribute {attribute 'AlarmManagerAdditionalData' := 'StructEmailParams'}.

    The structure employed must consist of scalar components or components of the type POINTER TO. CODESYS does not support any data type ARRAY or user-defined data types.

    Please note: using the attribute {attribute 'AlarmManagerMandatoryParameter'} you can identify structure components as mandatory parameters.

Presentation options for alarm table/alarm banner
Defines how CODESYS displays the individual statuses of an alarm in the alarm visualization element (alarm table, alarm banner).
Status Alarm status. The available statuses depend on the selected acknowledgement method.
Font The standard dialog box for the selection of a font or color is opened with the button 006396775a68973ec0a8640e018c7bee_22605df71e8d8628c0a8640e01947982 .
Background color Background color for the alarm message
Bitmap You can add a bitmap by entering the bitmap ID. If no image file is assigned to this ID yet, the standard file search dialog box opens. After having selected a file, the bitmap definition of the image pool GlobalImagePool is added.
Transparent Activate this option if the bitmap has a transparent color.
Transparent color Color that is to be displayed transparently. Relevant only if the Transparent option has been activated.

See also