Object ‘Alarm storage’


In case of a reset (origin), CODESYS clears the alarm storage file.

In Alarm storage, you define the settings for the database file where CODESYS saves the alarms that occur. You can insert the object only once below an alarm configuration.

There is exactly one memory file located in a database. As an option, CODESYS saves this file in a file directory on the controller. You cannot change the name it is derived from the application name according to the following convention: <application name>.alarmstorage.sqlite. The alarm classes and alarm groups define whether or not the memory file should be used.

Subdirectory: Name of a subdirectory on the PLC where CODESYS saves the memory file (optional).
No limit No limit for the file size for the alarm storage.
Maximum number of records Number of recorded entries that CODESYS saves. When this number is reached and a new entry is queued in the ring buffer, CODESYS deletes the oldest entry.
Maximum storage size Maximum size of the memory file with specification of the unit. CODESYS converts this size implicitly into an approximate maximum number of entries that can be saved in the file (ring buffer).
Ring buffer

For display purposes only (not editable).

ae8292d95f3f1586c0a8640e01e65269_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Memory in a ring buffer

ae8292d95f3f1586c0a8640e01e65269_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : Memory in an unlimited buffer


The records that CODESYS saves in the database can be displayed in the Alarm table visualization element.

See also

Command ‘CSV export of alarm storage’

Function: This command opens the Alarm Storage Export Configuration dialog box.

Call: Context menu of the Alarm storage object.

Requirements: The application is in online mode with an alarm configuration. An alarm storage is configured.

This command opens the Alarm Storage Export Configuration dialog box.

Dialog box ‘Alarm Storage Export Configuration’ - ‘Basic settings’

Export file: Path to the generated CSV file in the file system

Alarms to export
Export all All listed alarms are exported.
Export alarms in timestamp range (timestamp activated)

Defined time range for the export of the listed alarms. This refers to the time stamp when the alarm was activated. The min./max. time stamps that are available in the alarm storage or were the last ones to be used in an export are shown by means of “From” and Until”.

When selecting the time range, the smallest unit is one second.

Language The drop-down list includes all languages that are available in text lists for alarm texts, as well as the default language (<Standard>).

Dialog box ‘Alarm Storage Export Configuration’ - ‘Advanced settings’

Sort by time stamp activated



Sort order by the time stamp when the alarm was activated
File format
Formatted values and timestamps The time stamps are formatted with the date and time format as defined below. REAL and LREAL values are formatted in number format.
Raw data from alarm storage file The time stamps and values are written unformatted to the CSV file, as they appear in the alarm storage. Alarms, alarm groups, and alarm classes are written in non-readable form to the CSV file as internal IDs.
Formatting options
Defines the formatting of the entries in the CSV file. Possible only if the Formatted values and timestamps data format is selected.
REAL format (printf syntax) Setting: %.1f
Date format The settings are applied from the system control.
Time format The settings are applied from the system control.
Semicolon The entries in the CSV file are separated by a semicolon.
Comma The entries in the CSV file are separated by a comma.
Tab The entries in the CSV file are separated by a tab.
Local time

Available only if the Formatted values and timestamps data format is selected.

ae8292d95f3f1586c0a8640e01e65269_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The time stamps are written to the CSV file in local time.

ae8292d95f3f1586c0a8640e01e65269_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : The time stamps are written to the CSV file in universal time coordinated (UTC).