Tab ‘Access Rights’


:strong:Recommendations for Data Security

In order to minimize the risk of data security violations, we recommend the following organizational and technical actions for the system where your applications are running: Avoid exposing the PLC and controller network to open networks and the Internet (as much as possible). Implement additional protection, such as a VPN for remote access, and install a firewall mechanism. Restrict access to authorized personnel, and change any existing default passwords when commissioning and then in regular intervals.

In this tabbed page of the generic device editor, you define the access rights to objects on the PLC.

Requirement: User management must be set up on the PLC. The Show access rights page check box must be selected in the CODESYS options (category Device editor). However, the device description can overwrite this.

In the tree structure, all actions that can be executed at runtime are listed by object category. Each affected object is inserted below an action type. In the Rights view, you can configure the access options for a user group to a selected object.

Action categories (nodes at the top level of the action tree)

  • File system objects
  • Runtime system objects

Action types (inserted below each action categories: actions that can be executed on the object)

  • Modify: Example: loading the application
  • View: Monitoring
  • Add/remove children: Add or remove child objects below an existing object
  • Execute: Example: starting and stopping the application, setting breakpoints

Objects and child objects (inserted below each action type)

Objects of a file system or runtime system that can be executed on the actions. Example: Device with child objects Logger, PlcLogic, Settings, UserManagement.


List of the currently defined user groups

Symbols preceding the group names show the current rights definition regarding the object currently selected in the actions view.

09ef1aea5deb3245c0a8640e00986ced_78ce23725e8c52e5c0a8640e006fc8d6 The actions currently selected in the action tree are granted to this group.
09ef1aea5deb3245c0a8640e00986ced_e92ecbcb5e8cd7e6c0a8640e015f3b9b The actions currently selected in the action tree are denied to this group.
09ef1aea5deb3245c0a8640e00986ced_2aa3f2825e8d3563c0a8640e0040c8d2 There is currently no explicit definition of rights for the actions selected in the actions view.
no symbol There are several actions selected in the actions view that do not have any unified definition of rights regarding the currently selected group.
Assignment of a right after selection of an object in the action tree and selection of the group in the rights view:
Button 09ef1aea5deb3245c0a8640e00986ced_78ce23725e8c52e5c0a8640e006fc8d6 Grant Access (action) is permitted explicitly.
Button 09ef1aea5deb3245c0a8640e00986ced_e92ecbcb5e8cd7e6c0a8640e015f3b9b Deny Access (action) is restricted explicitly.
Button 09ef1aea5deb3245c0a8640e00986ced_2aa3f2825e8d3563c0a8640e0040c8d2 Clear The right to access (action) is reset to the default setting.
Menu Bar
09ef1aea5deb3245c0a8640e00986ced_da7d088b122355a7c0a8640e01a68395 Load to device CODESYS loads the current configuration of access privileges to the PLC, making them effective there.
09ef1aea5deb3245c0a8640e00986ced_edf34daa121a178bc0a8640e01a88d66 Load from device CODESYS retrieves the current configuration of access privileges from the PLC.
Save to disk CODESYS saves the current rights configuration to an XML file (\*.dar: stands for “Device Access Rights”).
09ef1aea5deb3245c0a8640e00986ced_bc8297414b03415bc0a8640e0011b32c Load from disk: CODESYS reads the rights configuration from an XML file (\*.dar).

See also

Which action in particular is affected when a specific access privilege is granted for a certain object?

x The right has to be set explicitly.

- The right is not relevant.

Objects Action Rights
        Add/remove children Execute Modify View
Device     Login - - - x
  Logger   Read entries - - - x
    Application Login - - - x
      Create - - x -
      Create child object x - x -
      Delete - - x -
      Load / online change - - x -
      Create boot project - - x -
      Read variable - - - x
      Write variable - - x x
      Force variable - - x x
      Set and delete breakpoint - x x -
      Set next statement - x x -
      Read call stack - - - x
      Single cycle - x - -
      Switch on flow control - x x -
      Read flow control - - - x
      Start / Stop - x - -
      Reset - - x -
  Settings   Read settings - - - x
      Write settings - - x -
  UserManagement   Read configuration - - - x
      Write configuration - - x -