Tab ‘Task deployment’

This sub-dialog box of the device editor displays a table of inputs and outputs as well as their assignment to the defined tasks.

The information only becomes visible after code has been generated for the application. It is used for troubleshooting, because it shows where inputs or outputs are used in several tasks with different priorities. Multiple use can lead to undefined values through overwriting.

I/O deployment for tasks (1)
I/O channels (2)

All inputs and outputs of the linked devices. The display corresponds to that in the dialog box I/O Mapping of the device editor.

By double-clicking on an input or output you can open the associated I/O mapping editor.

<task name> (3)

A column appears for every task defined in the task configuration. The title contains the task name and priority.

The priority of the tasks decreases from first to the last column. A red cross appears in the box for inputs and outputs that are written or read by a task: 84de0dd75dec2b3ec0a8640e00c8a9e4_10b36a76470db38cc0a8640e01d1bca3 . In addition, the task defined as a Bus cycle task in the PLC settings of the device editor is marked at these points with a blue double arrow symbol 84de0dd75dec2b3ec0a8640e00c8a9e4_0fc7a89d470373a1c0a8640e00663c55 .

Following a mouse-click on the title cell, only the I/Os assigned to this task are displayed.

Following a mouse-click on the I/O channels cell, all channels are shown again.

See also