The language switching for texts, tooltips and alarm messages in a visualization can be done via static texts ( Static Language Switching) or via dynamic texts ( Dynamic \ Language Switching), which must be provided by a file. Unicode format is only possible with dynamic texts.
How can a language switching be done:
In the configuration dialog ‘Visualization settings’ in the selection list below ‘Language’ you can choose one of the languages defined in the currently used language file, which should be used as ‘(start) language’ in online mode; for the example shown below: german and english.
A language switch in online mode is done via an input on a visualization element. For this purpose the internal commands “INTERN LANGUAGE <language>” and “INTERN LANGUAGEDIALOG” are available (see Special input possibilities for operating versions), which can be used in the configuration dialog in category ‘input’ ( Input).
Insert a button element which can be used to switch the visualization texts to German. For this purpose, label the element with ‘German’, in configuration category ‘Input’ activate option ‘Execute program’ and define a command “INTERN LANGUAGE <language>”. “language” is to be replaced by the language shortcut used in the language file, thus for the vis-file example shown under Static Language Switching: “INTERN LANGUAGE german”. If the button will be operated in online mode the visualization texts will be displayed according to the entries which are available for “german” in the language file.
Unicode Format:
Unicode format is only possible with dynamic texts. An appropriate entry must be available in the XML language file. Additionally the following preconditions must be complied:
In the configuration of the visualization object a unicode-enabled font must be specified.
Attention: Currently for tooltip texts this font must be specified in the codesys.ini file (“FaceTooltip=<font>”) and is not read from the XML language file!
In order to get work the unicode font in the Target-Visualization, it must be supported by the target system.
In order to get work the unicode font in the Web-Visualization, the configuration entry TOOLTIPFONT in webvisu.htm must be set with a unicode-enabled font.