Tab ‘CANopen Remote Device - General’

The general settings of the CANopen slave are defined in this dialog box of a CANopen remote device (slave).

Node ID The node number identifies the CAN module as unique and it corresponds to the number set on the module (value between 1 and 127). You provide the node ID as a decimal.
Enable Expert Settings 02b616e6e26b4a57c0a8640e018dfba8_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : All settings are displayed that are predefined by the device description (EDS file) for the device.
SDO Channels Click this button to open a dialog for activating the SDO channels that are predefined in the EDS file. Service data objects (SDOs) allow access to all entries in the CANopen object directory. An SDO creates a peer-to-peer communication channel between two devices (SDO server and client channel).
Optional Device 02b616e6e26b4a57c0a8640e018dfba8_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The slave is optional and not required for starting the CAN network.
Sync Producing:

Available only when the Enable Sync Producing option is cleared in the CANopen manager.

02b616e6e26b4a57c0a8640e018dfba8_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The I/O transmission is synchronized on the bus. The slave works a a sync producer. The parameters of the sync interval are defined in the settings of the CANopen manager.

No initialization

This option is for non-configurable slave that already start with a valid configuration.

02b616e6e26b4a57c0a8640e018dfba8_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The master does not send configuration SDOs or NMT start commands to the slave. PDO communication and monitoring (heartbeat, node guarding) are performed when this has been configured in the configurator.

If the slave does not start automatically, then the user can use the CiA405 NMT function block to send an NMT start command to the slave.


The availability of this option depend son the content of the device description file.

02b616e6e26b4a57c0a8640e018dfba8_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Selected by default. The slave nodes are reset to the default parameters before the configuration is loaded to the device or always when the slave is configured. Which parameters can be set is device-specific. The concrete task is performed from the subindex of the drop-down list.

  • Sub:001: All parameters are reset.
  • Sub:002: Communication parameters (index 1000h - 1FFFh manufacturer-specific communication parameters) are reset.
  • Sub:003: Application parameters (index 6000h - 9FFFh manufacturer-specific application parameters) are reset.
  • Sub:004 - Sub:127: Manufacturer-specific, individual selection of parameters is reset.
  • Sub:128 - Sub254: Reserved for future purposes
Autoconfig PDO Mapping.

This option is available for modular devices only.

02b616e6e26b4a57c0a8640e018dfba8_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace PDO mapping is generated automatically from the definitions in the device description and then cannot be changed in the two mapping dialogs. If the automatically generated mapping does not match your application, then you can deactivate the option and configure the mapping manually. We recommend that this option is activated for standard applications.

Node Guarding
Node guarding is an outdated monitoring method and should not be used anymore because is uses RTR frames. You should always use heartbeats when possible. In some exceptions, such as for older slaves, you can use only node guarding.
Enable node guarding

02b616e6e26b4a57c0a8640e018dfba8_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The CANopen manager sends a message to the slave in the Guard Time (ms) interval. If the slave does not respond with the given Guard COB ID (Communication Object Identifier), then the CANopen manager resends this message as many times as defined in Lifetime Factor or until the slave responds.

If the slave does not respond, then it is marked as “unavailable”.

Guard Time (ms) Interval for sending messages (default: 200 ms)
Lifetime Factor When the slave does not respond, a node-guarding error is established according to the Lifetime Factor time multiplied by the Guard Time.
Enable Heartbeat Producing 02b616e6e26b4a57c0a8640e018dfba8_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The module sends heartbeats in the time intervals as given in Producer Time (ms).
Producer Time (ms): The default setting is 200 as long as there is no special entry or the entry in the device description file is 0.
Heartbeat Consuming

Heartbeat Consuming: Opens the Heartbeat Consuming Properties dialog box where you activate the slaves that you will monitor.

The number of possible slaves to be monitored is defined in the EDS file. TO do this, you must select the “Enable” check box and enter the node ID of the slave and the required values in the Heartbeat Time field (in milliseconds). Then the slave monitors the heartbeats that are sent from the affected slaves (defined by the node ID). When no more heartbeats are received, the slave switches off the I/Os.

While a slave is monitoring, a green check mark is shown on the Heartbeat Consuming switch.

Note: When you insert a device with the heartbeat function, its heartbeat settings are harmonized automatically with the master (CANopen manager).

Enable Emergency 02b616e6e26b4a57c0a8640e018dfba8_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : When internal errors occur, the slave sends emergency messages with a unique COB ID. You can read these messages by using the function block from the CiA405 library. (RECV_EMCY_DEF, RECV_EMCY).
COB ID CAN ID of the EMCY message. Range of possible values: [1…2047].
The availability of this function depends on the device description.
Enable TIME Producing 02b616e6e26b4a57c0a8640e018dfba8_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The device sends TIME messages.
COB-ID (Hex) (Communication Object Identifier): identifies the time stamp of the message.
Enable TIME Consuming 02b616e6e26b4a57c0a8640e018dfba8_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The device processes TIME messages.
Checks at Startup
The respective information is read from the firmware of the CANopen slave (0x1018 identity object) and compared to the information from the EDS file. In case of disparities, the configuration is stopped and the slaves are not started.
Vendor Code 02b616e6e26b4a57c0a8640e018dfba8_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Check of the vendor ID at startup
Product Number 02b616e6e26b4a57c0a8640e018dfba8_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Check of the product number at startup
Revision Number 02b616e6e26b4a57c0a8640e018dfba8_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Check of the revision number at startup

See also