Tab ‘CANopen Manager - General’

Node ID The node number identifies the CANopen manager as unique and if corresponds to the number set on the module (value between 1 and 127).
Check and fix configuration Opens the dialog box of the same name. See below for details.
Autostart CANopen Manager

4878e533e26901eac0a8640e00fc1613_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The CANopen manager starts automatically (switches to OPERATIONAL mode) after all required slaves are ready.

4878e533e26901eac0a8640e00fc1613_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : You must start the CANopen manager from the application, using the CiA405 NMT function block.

Tip: As long as the CANopen manager is not in OPERATIONAL mode, no PDOs are sent (outputs refreshed).

Polling of optional slaves

4878e533e26901eac0a8640e00fc1613_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : When a slave does not respond during the boot sequence, the CANopen manager interrogates it every second until it does respond.

Constantly polling the slave increases the bus cycle time, which can interfere with the application (especially motion applications). You can deactivate polling to avoid this behavior. If polling is deactivated, then a slave is detected again when it sends a bootup message.

Start Slaves:

4878e533e26901eac0a8640e00fc1613_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The CANopen manager is responsible for starting the slaves.

4878e533e26901eac0a8640e00fc1613_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : You must start the slaves from the application, using the CiA405 NMT function block.

NMT Start All (if possible): 4878e533e26901eac0a8640e00fc1613_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : If the Start slaves option is activated, then the CANopen manager starts all slaves with an “NMT Start All” command. The “NMT Start All” command is not executed as long as optional slaves are not yet ready to be started. In this case, the CANopen manager starts each slave individually. The “NMT StartAll” command can be guaranteed only in a project without optional slaves.
NMT Error Behavior:
  • Restart Slave. If an error occurs during slave monitoring (NMT Error Event), then the slave is restarted automatically by the stack (NMT Reset + SDO Configuration + NMT Start).
  • Stop Slave. If an error occurs during slave monitoring (NMT Error Event), then the slave is stopped. Then you must reset the slave from the application, using the CiA405 NMT function block.
Working with heartbeat messages is an alternative method of monitoring. It can be executed from both master and slave nodes, as opposed to node-guarding. Normally the master sends heartbeat messages to the slaves.
Enable Heartbeat Producing

The master sends heartbeat messages that define the time interval in the Producer Time. When the slaves are provided with the heartbeat function, a heartbeat consuming entry from the slave is created for the master. Then the node ID and the 1.5x heartbeat interval of the master are applied.

4878e533e26901eac0a8640e00fc1613_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : Node-guarding is activated for the slaves and the settings are used from the EDS file of the slave. If the values there cannot be used, then default values are used. Please not that a CANopen slave device can also be configured as a heartbeat producer.

Node ID Unique identification (1-27) of the heartbeat producer on the bus.
Producer Time (ms) Interval length between successive heartbeats (in milliseconds).
Enable Sync Producing

4878e533e26901eac0a8640e00fc1613_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : (deactivated by default) The CANopen manager sends SYNC telegrams.

The synchronous PDOs are sent directly after the SYNC telegram.

COB-ID (Hex) CAN ID of the SYNC telegram. Range of possible values: [1…2047].
Cycle Period (µs) Interval length (in microseconds) after which the SYNC telegram is sent.
Window Length (µs) Length of the time frame for synchronous PDOs (in microseconds).
Enable Sync Consuming 4878e533e26901eac0a8640e00fc1613_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : (deactivated by default) Another device must produce the SYNC telegrams that are received by the CANopen manager.


If SYNC producing is enabled for the CANopen manager, then you are not permitted to activate the Enable Sync Producing option for all other bus devices.

Enable TIME Producing 4878e533e26901eac0a8640e00fc1613_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : (deactivated by default) The CANopen manager sends TIME messages.
COB-ID (Hex) (Communication Object Identifier): identifies the time stamp of the message. Default values: [0…2047], preset 16#100.
Producer Time (ms): Interval (in milliseconds) when the time stamp is sent. This value must be a multiple of the task cycle time. Possible values [0…65535].


The runtime system must support high resolution timestamps. If not, then an error message is displayed.

See also

Dialog box ‘Check and fix configuration’

If you insert several devices below the CANopen manager, then error messages may report multiple assigned node IDs or invalid COB IDs. The Check and fix configuration button opens a dialog box for solving these conflicts.

For conflicts with node IDs or PDO COB IDs, you can click Edit conflicts to open a dialog box with detailed information.

Node ID and COB-ID Conflicts
Doubled node number List of all devices with identical IDs. In the field of the Node ID column, you can enter new node numbers for the affected devices.
Incorrect and double assignment of PDO COB IDs

The COB-IDs that are generated automatically from the device description files may not be permitted. All incorrect entries are listed with the respective device names, node IDs, and indexes. There are three options for correcting invalid COB IDs:

  • Correct the displayed formula for calculating the COB-IDs so that a valid COB ID results. You can change the formula in the respective table element.
  • Accept the automatic suggestion for the COB ID by clicking the respective button.
  • Accept all automatic suggestions by clicking the Used suggested COB ID button.

Corrected entries are removed from the displayed list automatically.

You can solve timing problems automatically by using the Automatic Repair. This command adjusts all timing values to compatible values. (The time should be a multiple of the task time.)