PLCopen ParameterΒΆ

Additional parameters are available by ReadParameter and WriteParameter Function Blocks.


Please see the following Function Blocks to read and write parameters:

Parameter number (PN) Name Datatype Min. Max. Default R/W Comments
1 CommandedPosition DINT       R Commanded position.
2 SWLimitPos DINT -2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 R/W Positive Software limit switch position.
3 SWLimitNeg DINT -2147483647 2147483647 -2147483647 R/W Negative Software limit switch position.
4 EnableLimitPos BOOL FALSE TRUE FALSE R/W Enable positive software limit switch.
5 EnableLimitNeg BOOL FALSE TRUE FALSE R/W Enable negative software limit switch.
6 EnablePosLagMonitor-ing BOOL FALSE TRUE TRUE R/W Enable monitoring of position lag (following error).
7 MaxPositionLag DINT 1 2147483647***   R Maximal position lag.
8 MaxVelocitySystem DINT     32767 R Maximal allowed velocity of the axis in the motion system.
9 MaxVelocityAppl DINT 0** 32767 32767 R/W Maximal allowed velocity of the axis in the application.
10 ActualVelocity DINT -32767 32767   R Actual velocity.
11 CommandedVelocity DINT -32767 32767   R Commanded velocity.
12 MaxAccelerationSystem DINT     32767 R Maximal allowed acceleration of the axis in the motion system.
13 MaxAccelerationAppl DINT 10 32767 32767 R/W Maximal allowed acceleration of the axis in the application.
14 MaxDecelerationSystem DINT     32767 R Maximal allowed deceleration of the axis.
15 MaxDecelerationAppl DINT 10 32767 32767 R/W Maximal allowed deceleration of the axis.
16 MaxJerk DINT 0* 2147483647 2147483647 R/W Maximal allowed jerk of the axis.
2001 MODULO_NOMINATOR DINT 1 2147483647 1 R/W ABB specific parameter. Used for Central Motion Control implementation: Gearbox modifier to MODULO_RANGE
2002 MODULO_DENOMINATOR DINT 1 2147483647 1 R/W ABB specific parameter. Used for Central Motion Control implementation: Gearbox modifier to MODULO_RANGE
2003 EnableLimit2Decelerate BOOL FALSE TRUE FALSE R/W -
2004 EnableLimitAbort BOOL FALSE TRUE FALSE R/W -
2005 EnableLimtVelocity BOOL FALSE TRUE FALSE R/W If the velocity is limited the unmoved position will be covered whenever possible
2006 SWLimit2DecPos LREAL -2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 R/W Used as end position for EnableLimit2Decelerate
2007 SWLimit2DecNeg LREAL -2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 R/W Used as end position for EnableLimit2Decelerate
2008 MaxPositionGapLL LREAL 0 214748364700 0 R/W Used to stop the ongoing movement if position is behind

*0 means: no limitation of jerk is performed.

**Axis will stay in stop.

***is modified by CMC_AXIS_CONTROL_PARAMETER, the max. Value is calculated in increments, the value which is delivered by ReadParameter will be given in [u].