Components of the DCS Drives LibraryΒΆ

Function Blocks

DCS_DRIVES_CTRL DCS_DRIVES_CTRL\ Control of DCS Drives with ABB-Drives Profile using a Communication Block Control of DCS Drives with ABB-Drives Profile using additional communication block
DCS_DRIVES_CTRL_GEN DCS_DRIVES_CTRL_GEN\ Control of DCS Drives with ABB-Drives Profile via Generic Fieldbus Control of DCS Drives with ABB-Drives Profile


DCS_DRIVE_ENUM DCS_DRIVE_ENUM Enumerations to be used at the Input DRIVE_TYPE of ACS_COM_xxx Function Blocks Enumeration of DCS drive type


DCS_DRIVES_CTRL_VISU_PH DCS_DRIVES_CTRL_VISU_PH Visualization Faceplate of Function Block DCS_DRIVES_CTRL Visualization Faceplate for the Function Block
DCS_DRIVES_CTRL_GEN_VISU_PH DCS_DRIVES_CTRL_GEN_VISU_PH Visualization Faceplate of Function Block DCS_DRIVES_CTRL_GEN Visualization Faceplate for the Function Block