Input Description¶
EN (enable)
Data type: BOOL
In order to enable the Function Block processing, input EN has to be continuously set to TRUE. The Function Block is not processed if input EN = FALSE. While input is set to TRUE, the inputs are continuously checked for validity and plausibility.
PULSE_PER_REVO (pulse per revolution), UNITS_PER_REVO_NOM DINT (units per revolution nominator), UNITS_PER_REVO_DENOMDINT(units per revolution denominator)
Data type: DINT, range: 0001 to FFFF hex (1 to 2147483647)
These three parameters shall be used together for scaling, which are only be changed when PLCopen state machine is in “Disable” or when MC_Power is OFF.
Pulses per revolution depend on specific stepper drive/motor, how many pulses need to be created to turn 1 revolution.
When 1 revolution move e.g 40 mm, 1 mm is used as unit: UNITS_PER_REV_NOM=40 and UNITS_PER_REV_DENOM=1
When using additional gearbox 1:3: UNITS_PER_REV_NOM=40 and UNITS_PER_REV_DENOM=3
When using angle as unit: U_PER_REV_NOMINATOR=360, UNITS_PER_REV_DENOM=1
When working with revolutions 1 u = 1: UNITS_PER_REV_NOM=1, UNITS_PER_REV_DENOM= 1
FAST_DEC (fast deceleration)
Data type: WORD, range: 0001 to FFFF hex (1 to 65,535 u/s:sup:2)
Fast deceleration for stopping CPU, set before the operation starts. The fast deceleration ramp is “FAST_DEC” multiples “increments per unit” (scaling).
EMCY_DEC(emergency deceleration)
Data type: WORD, range: 0001 to FFFF hex (1 to 65,535 u/s:sup:2)
Emergency deceleration: for configurable digital input 1 “DI1” is configured as “Stop”. When “emergency stop” DI1 is triggered (DI1=TRUE), PTO will decelerate with “EMCY_DEC” deceleration. The emergency deceleration ramp is “EMCY_DEC” multiples “increments per unit” (scaling).
LIM_DEC (limit deceleration)
Data type: WORD, range: 0001 to FFFF hex (1 to 65,535 u/s:sup:2)
Limit deceleration: for configurable digital input 0 “DI0” is configured as “Enable (external hardware enable)”. During operation digital input DI0=TRUE which shows external 24 V digital input. When “right/left limit stop” is triggered which means the external 24 V digital input is disabled (DI0=FALSE), PTO will decelerate with “LIM_DEC” deceleration rate. The limit deceleration ramp is “LIM_DEC” multiples “increments per unit” (scaling).
ADR_IN (address of process image input)
Pointer to structure of FM562 inputs. At this input, the address of the first input data from the structure of FM562 input should be connected. The use of an ADR operator is needed.
ADR_OUT (address of process image output)
Pointer to structure of FM562 outputs. At this input, the address of the first output data from the structure of FM562 output should be connected. The use of an ADR operator is needed. The operand address of the first input and output data of each axis of FM562 must be mapped to input ADR_IN and ADR_OUT. Define and create configuration data will be emerged automatically as global variable after creating configuration data.
Data type: AXIS_REF
Reference to the axis.