Output Description¶
DONE (done)
Data type: BOOL
The output DONE signals the completion of the process triggered with the EN input. After finishing of the process (pulse output finished or pulse output stopped), DONE is TRUE.
BUSY (busy)
Data type: BOOL
Output BUSY shows pulse output status, after pulse output start and before it finished/stopped/error occurred, the BUSY output will continuously be TRUE.
DI0 (digital input 0 or digital input 2)
Data type: BOOL
Output DI0 indicates the status of digital input0 or input2. The digital input0 or input2 can be configured by FM562 configuration in CBP. If input0 or input2 is configured as “Axis enable/Limit switch” (external hardware enable), then DI0=TRUE or DI2=TRUE indicates that input0 or input2 is connected with 24 V input; DI0=FALSE or DI2=FALSE indicates input0 or input2 is not connected with 24 V, so PTO will stop output. If input0 or input2 is configured as “No function”, PTO will be in operation without reading status of input0 or input2.
Output DI0
DI1 (digital input 1 or digital input 3)
Data type: BOOL
Output DI1 indicates the status of digital input1 or digital input3. The digital input1 or input3 can be configured by FM562 configuration in CBP. If DI1 is configured as “Stop”, then if DI1=TRUE, PTO output is emergently stopped. If DI1 is configured as “No function”, PTO will be in operation without reading states of DI1. If DI1 is configured as “Registration”, current pulse number is recorded and can be checked on FM562 IO mapping when DI1=TRUE.
Output DI1
ERR (error)
Data type: BOOL
Output ERR indicates whether an error occurred during data reception. If ERR is TRUE, an error occurred, the error number can be read at output ERNO.
ERNO (error number)
Data type: WORD
ERNO always has to be considered together with the output ERR. The value output at ERNO is only valid if ERR is TRUE.