Overview of the ACS Drives Base Components According to their Call NamesΒΆ

Used abbreviations:

FBhv Function Block with historical values
FBnohv Function Block without historical values
F: Function
Enum: Enumeration
Struct: Structure
Visu: Visualization
VE name Type Function
ACS_CW_VISU_PH ACS_CW_VISU_PH Visualization for the ABB Drives Profile Control Word Visu Visualization for the ABB Drives Profile Control Word
ACS_DRIVE_CONFIG_TYPE ACS_DRIVE_CONFIG_TYPE Structure Including Configurations Parameters of the ACS3XX Drive Struct Structure Including Configurations Parameters of the ACS3XX Drive
ACS_DRIVE_DATA_TYPE ACS_DRIVE_DATA_TYPE Structure to Exchange Data Between Function Blocks for 1 Drive Struct Structure to Exchange Data Between Function Blocks for 1 Drive
ACS_DRIVES_CTRL_ENG ACS_DRIVES_CTRL_ENG Engineering Interface for ACS Drives with ABB-Drives Profile FBhv Control of ACS Drives with ABB-Drives Profile
ACS_DRIVES_CTRL_ENG_VISU_PH ACS_DRIVES_CTRL_ENG_VISU_PH Visualization Faceplate of Function Block ACS_DRIVES_CTRL_ENG Visu Visualization Faceplate of Function Block ACS_DRIVES_CTRL_ENG
ACS_DRIVES_CTRL_STANDARD ACS_DRIVES_CTRL_STANDARD Control of ACS Drives with ABB-Drives Profile FBhv Control of ACS Drives with ABB-Drives Profile
ACS_DRIVES_CTRL_STANDARD_VISU_PH ACS_DRIVES_CTRL_STANDARD_VISU_PH Visualization Faceplate of Function Block ACS_DRIVES_CTRL_STANDARD Visu Visualization Faceplate for the Function Block
ACS_DRIVES_CTRL_STANDARD_GEN ACS_DRIVES_CTRL_STANDARD_GEN Control of ACS Drives with ABB-Drives Profile FBhv Control of ACS Drives with ABB-Drives Profile
ACS_DRIVES_CTRL_STANDARD_GEN_VISU_P ACS_DRIVES_CTRL_STANDARD_GEN_VISU_PH Visualization Faceplate for the Function Block Visu Visualization Faceplate for the Function Block
ACS_DRIVE_ENUM ACS_DRIVE_ENUM Enumerations to Select the Type of Drive Used Enum Enumerations to Select the Type of Drive Used
ACS_MOD_PRM_NUM_32BIT ACS_MOD_PRM_NUM_32BIT Function creates the MODBUS Address for a 32 Bit Parameter of ACSxxx Drives FBhv Function creates the MODBUS Address 32 Bit Parameters of ACSxxx Drives
ACS_MOD_READ_N_PRM ACS_MOD_READ_N_PRM Read N Parameters from an ACS Drive via MODBUS RTU FBhv Read 1 or More Parameters from an ACS Drive via MODBUS RTU
ACS_MOD_READ_N_PRM_VISU_PH ACS_MOD_READ_N_PRM_VISU_PH Visualization Faceplate for the Function Block ACS_MOD_READ_N_PRM Visu Visualization Faceplate of Function Block ACS_MOD_READ_N_PRM
ACS_MOD_TOKEN_TYPE ACS_MOD_TOKEN_TYPE Structure to Exchange the Internal MODBUS Token for MODBUS RTU Communication with more than 1 Drive Struct Structure to Exchange the Internal MODBUS Token for MODBUS RTU Communication With More Than 1 Drive
ACS_MOD_WRITE_N_PRM ACS_MOD_WRITE_N_PRM Write N Parameters to an ACS/DCS Drive via MODBUS RTU FBhv Write 1 or More Parameters to an ACS Drive via MODBUS RTU
ACS_MOD_WRITE_N_PRM_VISU_PH ACS_MOD_WRITE_N_PRM_VISU_PH Visualization Faceplate for the Function Block ACS_MOD_WRITE_N_PRM Visu Visualization Faceplate for the Function Block ACS_MOD_WRITE_N_PRM
ACS_REF_SCALING ACS_REF_SCALING Scaling for ACS / DCS Reference and Actual Values FBhv Scaling for ACS Reference and Actual Values
ACS_REF_SCALING_VISU_PH ACS_REF_SCALING_VISU_PH Visualization Faceplate for the Function Block ACS_REF_SCALING Visu Visualization Faceplate of Function Block ACS_REF_SCALING
ACS_SW_VISU_PH ACS_SW_VISU_PH Visualization for the ABB Drives Profile Status Word Visu Visualization for the ABB Drives Profile Status Word
ACS3XX_DRIVES_CTRL_BASIC ACS3XX_DRIVES_CTRL_BASIC Basic Control of ACS3XX / ACX550 Drives with ABB Drives Profile, Including Scaling of Actual and Reference Values FBhv Control of ACS3XX Drives with ABB-Drives Profile
ACS3XX_DRIVES_CTRL_BASIC_VISU_PH ACS3XX_DRIVES_CTRL_BASIC_VISU_PH Visualization Faceplate of Function Block ACS3XX_DRIVES_CTRL_BASIC Visu Visualization Faceplate for the Function Block ACS3XX_DRIVES_CTRL_BASIC